forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"I couldn't afford a fursuit, so I became part cat."
"Ah, parades. The only time of the year when I can legally run into traffic and fight children for candy."
"Burn in hell! You motherfucking unlucky bitch ass weeb cunt shit eating cuck with a dick for a fuckin' antenna! And no friends, you virgin, waifu stalking, smelly motherhumpin', crack sniffin', dog raping, prick sucking, goblin molesting. dwarf twerking, kid voring cuck! I hope you die a fucking virgin! I'm going to circumcise you shitty antenna ha-"

Deleted user

“A monkey could do my job. At least HE’D be able to fling poo when he heard a stupid idea.”

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"There are tampons on the ceiling!"
the tampons are still there btw

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

"I'm going to make an inflatable dart board!"
"I can't go today. I have to take my ex-girlfriend to get her first tatoo."
"I'm an alien-fish-bird-potato!"
"Why does mom wear makeup?" "To look pretty." "But she already looks pretty!" "That's so sweet." "Dad, you should wear makeup."

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"I thrive off of hatred, negativity, and chaos. If I see a guy doing well for himself, I gotta let him know that he should probably kill himself."
"Anyone can be a failure, but you have to work real hard to become a complete piece of shit."
Okay, I just leave your sorry ass for dead since it seems awfully gay for you to promise to protect you.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

“Ooo, the battle for Jace’s soul…” “Jace doesn’t have a soul.”
“What’s a buffalo?” “…You are.”
“I burned my house down for all that insurance money!” “Um…” “hAhAhahahAHAhAhaHAhaHA”
"Do not stick bath products up your butt, do you realize how inconvenient farting bubbles would be?"