forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Me: NOOOOO in tears my ice cream
Mom: what happened?
Me: I ws sniff scopng de ice cream and I-I I ht it of da tble and-and it fel fcng dwn tear
Mom: internally What the FUCK did this kid just say? externally oh now that's too bad.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Anyways I'm going to shit on the neighbor's lawn
She got red hair, Bitch want to be Sonic the hedgehog so bad
Hurt me don't hurt my barbie
"Yes, it is. There's no doubt about it. The entire universe would implode, and all because of your failure to use contraception, Setsuna-san."


"Noah and Sakari are gay they literally slept together in my bed," -rando kid on the bus

"Sounds gay I'm listening" -me

"It's okay we support you :)" -same rando kid

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

They essentially ruined a man's life over the course of 800 whip cracks (or 1 day) for no fucking reason.
How am I going to say the n-word now?!
John Smith just killed Mufasa
Kylo Ren getting his ass kicked by a taco.


"My maturity is above your comprehension."

"You can't expect me to take you seriously whilst you're holding a beanie boo unicorn."

"It's for emotional support, you damp sock."

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"What, you don't get it? Let me dumb it down. When I think of you, I get an angle on my dangle.."
Take that! Otaku Kick! Fist of Social Anxiety!
"Apparently, Kazuomi's chin and Yuzu's pelvis are excellent specimens."
Don't owo me!
The way you're touching that thing…man, I wish I were a smartphone…