forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I like you

Everyone comes over to my side eventually, darling.

I don't know how to feel about this.

You respect the goddess and want to be more like her obviously.

I got very gay vibes from that instead…. o-o

Eris is bi so… gay vibes are a thing

Polysexual anyway yeah that was weird

Hmmmm. Well I would apologize but….. shrugs vaguely

ok then o-o


Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I'm not sure if I'd call enemy blood "worthless", might make decent paint or something

Deleted user

Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I'm not sure if I'd call enemy blood "worthless", might make decent paint or something

It'd make good margaritas.

Deleted user

Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I'm not sure if I'd call enemy blood "worthless", might make decent paint or something

It'd make good margaritas.

… Bloody mary

Deleted user

Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I'm not sure if I'd call enemy blood "worthless", might make decent paint or something

It'd make good margaritas.

… Bloody mary

No, I am the dreaded Yoshi Kazoo, fear me.

Deleted user

Does vomiting glitter on your enemies count?

No. But bathing in their worthless blood does

I'm not sure if I'd call enemy blood "worthless", might make decent paint or something

But they're the enemy, who cares about decency??

Deleted user

makes yoshi noise and dismembers children

Anakin? Is that you??

(I wish he would dismember me)


makes yoshi noise and dismembers children

Anakin? Is that you??


Evil laughter

I simply adore your Star Wars references.

They let me have
Image result for unlimited power

You can't have ultimate power but you can have the highground.

@HighPockets group

makes yoshi noise and dismembers children

Anakin? Is that you??


Evil laughter

I simply adore your Star Wars references.

They let me have
Image result for unlimited power

You can't have ultimate power but you can have the highground.

Fair enough.


Nutella sees the good side of everything!

Of course! There’s a good side to everything if you search hard enough!

Extra homework? Extra knowledge!
Disease? Strengthens the hearts of people and makes people appreciate the lives they have!
Nuclear war? Well, people kept complaining about overpopulation soooo…