forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I don't know, I thought it could be cool to have…?
My name is Miriam. I like my hair and lips, I hate a lot of things about how I look, and I'm afraid that people just pretend to be my friend and that I'm actually just an annoyance to everybody. I have a snow day today and should be working on my novel, but haven't all day!

@HighPockets group

That's one full mood right there
Uhhh….I don't write things starting at the beginning, I watch a ton of Top 10 videos for things I don't even watch, I love biking, and I like paperbacks more than hardcovers.

Deleted user

I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.


I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

Well, Connie, I'm an OG. My first account has been here for a whole year. And I don't hate you at all. I'd also like to say that if you need support, please come to my PM.

Deleted user

I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

Well, Connie, I'm an OG. My first account has been here for a whole year. And I don't hate you at all. I'd also like to say that if you need support, please come to my PM.

Nah m8, I'm good. I don't wanna be a bother.

Deleted user

I'm Wren. My favourite thing about myself is my memory. I hate almost every other thing about myself. I'm worried that people only talk to me because I'm there and no one else is. I'm a last resort.


I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

Well, Connie, I'm an OG. My first account has been here for a whole year. And I don't hate you at all. I'd also like to say that if you need support, please come to my PM.

Nah m8, I'm good. I don't wanna be a bother.

Believe me you won't be. I like helping people. Just an offer though. Obviously open to refusal. Thanks for considering.


I’ll talk about stuff in a moment, but I’m just going to mention that you aren’t an annoyance to me, Miriam, so don’t worry about that. I can’t speak for every human, but you have not once hurt, annoyed, or offended me. Just had to get that out of the way.

@TeamMezzo group

Hi, I'm ZJ, host of The Mezzo System. I learned I had DID/OSDD exactly seven hours and twenty-two minutes ago. I learned today that half of my OC's from the past year are alters and I have 16 other people in my brain.


I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

You've got the wrong idea! I could never hate you. Nothing could ever cause me to hate you, Constance (man it feels weird to call you that instead of Connie lol). Love you <3


I have Imposter Syndrome, and it rips me apart every time someone compliments me or says I'm smart! I also suffer dysphoria because I'm curvy as hell and nonbinary! I want to die, in an empty, self harm but nothing too serious kinda way, and I spend my whole day daydreaming that I'm someone else who's okay and fits gender roles and is cool and lovable lmao


Fun fact: I feel really insecure when I wear pink. Believe me, I completely identify as female. But for some reason, I automatically get really worried that people will think that I'm girly and that I like/am obsessed with makeup and shit like that. I know it's not likely that that's what everyone thinks, but I can't escape that mindset.
Someday, I'd like to be able to wear a skirt to school without my brain feeding insecurities and doubts to me.

Deleted user

I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

You've got the wrong idea! I could never hate you. Nothing could ever cause me to hate you, Constance (man it feels weird to call you that instead of Connie lol). Love you <3

(You can still call me Connie, I still go by it, i was just tired of being @ConnieTheMediator because it's just so long.)


I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

You've got the wrong idea! I could never hate you. Nothing could ever cause me to hate you, Constance (man it feels weird to call you that instead of Connie lol). Love you <3

(You can still call me Connie, I still go by it, i was just tired of being @ConnieTheMediator because it's just so long.)

ohhhhhhh okay lol

Deleted user

I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

You've got the wrong idea! I could never hate you. Nothing could ever cause me to hate you, Constance (man it feels weird to call you that instead of Connie lol). Love you <3

(You can still call me Connie, I still go by it, i was just tired of being @ConnieTheMediator because it's just so long.)

ohhhhhhh okay lol

makes sense?


I have name dysphoria and go by Constance. I constantly (hah name puns) have mixed feelings about my physical appearance. What I hate most is my personality… which… yeah I hate everything about myself.
I believe I have faded into nothing on this site. Seems like I'm asking for pity but like im 99% sure all the OGS hate me and they only tolerate me for my stance about this site.

You've got the wrong idea! I could never hate you. Nothing could ever cause me to hate you, Constance (man it feels weird to call you that instead of Connie lol). Love you <3

(You can still call me Connie, I still go by it, i was just tired of being @ConnieTheMediator because it's just so long.)

ohhhhhhh okay lol

makes sense?



I feel like people see me as a hard core religious person in chates, and that’s kinda true in a way because something always leads back to religion…. and maybe that’s the only thing that see me as, as a super religious person or a person that’s really closed off because I don’t really care about commenting back when people talk to me….. idk, I feel like lots of poeple don’t like (or have negitive feeling about) me because they usually only see me in debates and stuff so they only see my angry side, and even if they don’t talk to me or know that I’m looking through a unfollowed board with them in it, I’m just unsure about us ever being friends (or getting back on our good sides with each other)


I feel like people see me as a hard core religious person in chates, and that’s kinda true in a way because something always leads back to religion…. and maybe that’s the only thing that see me as, as a super religious person or a person that’s really closed off because I don’t really care about commenting back when people talk to me….. idk, I feel like lots of poeple don’t like (or have negitive feeling about) me because they usually only see me in debates and stuff so they only see my angry side, and even if they don’t talk to me or know that I’m looking through a unfollowed board with them in it, I’m just unsure about us ever being friends (or getting back on our good sides with each other)

I may not be able to speak for everyone, but I still see you as a good friend. I tend to also come off as extremely religious and often offensive, even when I don't mean it in that way, so I know how you feel. There are a few people I doubt will ever care about me the same way and it hurts, I wish I could undo everything I've said and actually think for once, but I know that isn't possible. I just try to make up for it by being positive and helping out whenever I can.

@TeamMezzo group

I feel like people see me as a hard core religious person in chates, and that’s kinda true in a way because something always leads back to religion…. and maybe that’s the only thing that see me as, as a super religious person or a person that’s really closed off because I don’t really care about commenting back when people talk to me….. idk, I feel like lots of poeple don’t like (or have negitive feeling about) me because they usually only see me in debates and stuff so they only see my angry side, and even if they don’t talk to me or know that I’m looking through a unfollowed board with them in it, I’m just unsure about us ever being friends (or getting back on our good sides with each other)

I may not be able to speak for everyone, but I still see you as a good friend. I tend to also come off as extremely religious and often offensive, even when I don't mean it in that way, so I know how you feel. There are a few people I doubt will ever care about me the same way and it hurts, I wish I could undo everything I've said and actually think for once, but I know that isn't possible. I just try to make up for it by being positive and helping out whenever I can.




I'm super insecure. I identify as a female but I hate girly girls. I prefer sweatshirts to dresses but I like makeup and I wonder if people are going to judge me for it. I am not straight but my family is super Muslim and no one Is supporting of LGBTQ+. I've never told my parents because of that