forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
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@TeamMezzo group

I'm super insecure. I identify as a female but I hate girly girls. I prefer sweatshirts to dresses but I like makeup and I wonder if people are going to judge me for it. I am not straight but my family is super Muslim and no one Is supporting of LGBTQ+. I've never told my parents because of that

am willing to adopt you if ya need it cuz i'll accept you even if you're a mass arsonist


I'm super insecure. I identify as a female but I hate girly girls. I prefer sweatshirts to dresses but I like makeup and I wonder if people are going to judge me for it. I am not straight but my family is super Muslim and no one Is supporting of LGBTQ+. I've never told my parents because of that

Aside from the fact that I don't really like makeup, same

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I feel like people see me as a hard core religious person in chates, and that’s kinda true in a way because something always leads back to religion…. and maybe that’s the only thing that see me as, as a super religious person or a person that’s really closed off because I don’t really care about commenting back when people talk to me….. idk, I feel like lots of poeple don’t like (or have negitive feeling about) me because they usually only see me in debates and stuff so they only see my angry side, and even if they don’t talk to me or know that I’m looking through a unfollowed board with them in it, I’m just unsure about us ever being friends (or getting back on our good sides with each other)

I may not be able to speak for everyone, but I still see you as a good friend. I tend to also come off as extremely religious and often offensive, even when I don't mean it in that way, so I know how you feel. There are a few people I doubt will ever care about me the same way and it hurts, I wish I could undo everything I've said and actually think for once, but I know that isn't possible. I just try to make up for it by being positive and helping out whenever I can.

Someone say my name? Lol.


The one time I did make up (which wasn’t a lot because it was just some white powder) and actully did my hair and wore a nice outfit this random girl called me “beautiful” and I just stood there frozen in shock… then she apologized :( I told my sister what happened and how I was so shocked…. and then she called me ugly and everything went back to normal :)


Hi I'm Jensen, I like to try to tell people the kind of person I am but to be honest, I have no idea and I feel like I'm always changing. It makes me feel fake, and I try to stay the same because I'm afraid all of my friends will leave me if I dare change how I act. I like to be both masculine and feminine depending on my mood. I sometimes like to pretend that I'm a badass lesbian, but I'm actually terrified of taking risks and I like every gender, not just girls. I think I'm asexual, but it might just be my anxiety and trust issues that are making me think that. I like to sing really, really loud and dance like an idiot when my parents aren't home.
One thing about myself that bothers me more than anything is the fact that I'm constantly stressed. I'm a naturally happy, carefree, energetic, and talkative person. But I haven't been myself at all for the past few years because I'm so stressed. There are moments when I can forget all of my worries and go back to my old self for a bit, like when I play my ukulele or spend time with my baby brother.
Anyway, this is getting way too long. Just needed to dump a rant here.

@HighPockets group

I've worn makeup twice. Once for a wedding, the other for a fake wedding.

I've never done makeup makeup, but I have to do stage makeup a lot. Which has included beards, 50s makeup, and green stuff.