forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
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Deleted user

It’s nearly 1:30 and I forgot to eat both breakfast and lunch. Obviously, something’s not right here…


@HighPockets group

Also for me it's usually applied by kids my age whose hand-eye coordination is….lacking, to say the least.
Also a great moment from stage makeup practice:
Kid doing demo: Now, you have to be careful with the foundation or it'll look spotty. Just dab it on gently and if any of you make any 'dab' jokes, you have to leave the room.
Kid who's being demoed on: What's a dab joke? Is it like….this? He dabs


That's kind of the point for me lmao. I like to transform myself into somebody I'm not. That's another reason I love acting so much. I have no problem performing as a character in front of an audience. But I can't be myself in front of other people. Like I can't sing songs I've written in front of other people, I don't like showing people my art or writing, etc.


Also for me it's usually applied by kids my age whose hand-eye coordination is….lacking, to say the least.
Also a great moment from stage makeup practice:
Kid doing demo: Now, you have to be careful with the foundation or it'll look spotty. Just dab it on gently and if any of you make any 'dab' jokes, you have to leave the room.
Kid who's being demoed on: What's a dab joke? Is it like….this? He dabs

lmao that's something my sister would do


I want to like me. I want to be done with all of my own negativity to myself. I want to be done with my own problems but I don't think I ever will be. I'm afraid that all of my friends are fake. I feel like no one would even notice if I were gone. I'm terrified of coming out to m y parents since we're all Muslims. I'm good at pretending I'm okay, but I'm not. I'm really not okay. And there are people who are concerned and my brain is like "it's your fault that they're worried" because it is. I have little voices, little demons, that are always whispering in my head that I don't deserve to be happy and some days, today especially, those voices are the loudest and it's harder to fight them. I'm just- really really lost right now.


I want to like me. I want to be done with all of my own negativity to myself. I want to be done with my own problems but I don't think I ever will be. I'm afraid that all of my friends are fake. I feel like no one would even notice if I were gone. I'm terrified of coming out to m y parents since we're all Muslims. I'm good at pretending I'm okay, but I'm not. I'm really not okay. And there are people who are concerned and my brain is like "it's your fault that they're worried" because it is. I have little voices, little demons, that are always whispering in my head that I don't deserve to be happy and some days, today especially, those voices are the loudest and it's harder to fight them. I'm just- really really lost right now.

Sweetie, I'm here!

@TeamMezzo group

I want to like me. I want to be done with all of my own negativity to myself. I want to be done with my own problems but I don't think I ever will be. I'm afraid that all of my friends are fake. I feel like no one would even notice if I were gone. I'm terrified of coming out to m y parents since we're all Muslims. I'm good at pretending I'm okay, but I'm not. I'm really not okay. And there are people who are concerned and my brain is like "it's your fault that they're worried" because it is. I have little voices, little demons, that are always whispering in my head that I don't deserve to be happy and some days, today especially, those voices are the loudest and it's harder to fight them. I'm just- really really lost right now.

talk to me if you need to vent <3 <3


Update on the lunch situation, I resorted to cannibalism and ate a smol, hot potato

When I first read this I thought, "damn NutElla, I didn't think you had it in you" until I saw the last part

Deleted user

I have yet to wear makeup. I'm 100% straight, but I would love to try out eyeliner etc. just once because dress up!

guyliner is sexy as hell.
Eris approves of all punk boys


I have yet to wear makeup. I'm 100% straight, but I would love to try out eyeliner etc. just once because dress up!

guyliner is sexy as hell.
Eris approves of all punk boys


Deleted user

I have yet to wear makeup. I'm 100% straight, but I would love to try out eyeliner etc. just once because dress up!

guyliner is sexy as hell.
Eris approves of all punk boys


I also think that.
Guyliner: Waybeline, New Jersey

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have yet to wear makeup. I'm 100% straight, but I would love to try out eyeliner etc. just once because dress up!

guyliner is sexy as hell.
Eris approves of all punk boys

Nowhere near punk. But I can look dangerous, and I own a leather jacket, so there's that.


Also, does anyone else have a bunch of really dumb, unfunny things that you laugh at for no good reason? For me, it's literally every time my best friend calls a guy hot (she usually only does it to main characters in animes though)

Deleted user

Also, does anyone else have a bunch of really dumb, unfunny things that you laugh at for no good reason? For me, it's literally every time my best friend calls a guy hot (she usually only does it to main characters in animes though)

Anytime I'm watching a movie and some confesses their love for someone else

Deleted user

I have yet to wear makeup. I'm 100% straight, but I would love to try out eyeliner etc. just once because dress up!

guyliner is sexy as hell.
Eris approves of all punk boys

Nowhere near punk. But I can look dangerous, and I own a leather jacket, so there's that.

It's a start I guess. :P