forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I like how I am passionate about psychology. Anyone can study it but I just like how I like it..


Okay, I could say a lot about how beautiful you are and how much you mean to me, Kylee, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want that, so I’ll give you some sort of constructive criticism: I’ve been studying art and let me just say that perfect symmetry is extremely boring in poses. Please don’t stress yourself to make something look symmetrical, instead just embrace the differences, try new perspectives, tilt the heads a little, but whatever you do, don’t feel like your art is bad simply because your eyes don’t look like they’ve been copy/pasted twice. That’s my tip for now.


Okay, I could say a lot about how beautiful you are and how much you mean to me, Kylee, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want that, so I’ll give you some sort of constructive criticism: I’ve been studying art and let me just say that perfect symmetry is extremely boring in poses. Please don’t stress yourself to make something look symmetrical, instead just embrace the differences, try new perspectives, tilt the heads a little, but whatever you do, don’t feel like your art is bad simply because your eyes don’t look like they’ve been copy/pasted twice. That’s my tip for now.


Deleted user

I hate how im sick and so out of it to the point i recorded myself making weird noises at my dog

Deleted user

I hate myself. Simply put

Well said, my friend. Me too

Deleted user

So, no judgement zone then right…?

i write fanfiction….


The thing I hate the most about myself is how self-centered I am. I’m so attached to myself that I hate myself. I know, I’m just as confuzzled as you are


I dislike how I put too much pressure on myself for everything. I missed one question on a test that I just took and got a 95 and I'm sitting here thinking as if I failed and trying not to spiral too far again

Deleted user

Maybe. But other things as well like adventures and fluff too.


This is random and all but I wish I was able to just be a normal freaking human and interact with other people. Like there's a ton of people on this site that I would absolutely love to get to know and just talk to them in a normal conversation in a PM but I get too socially anxious to PM anyone even if I do want to talk to them