forum No Judgement Zone: Say What You Like About Yourself, What You Hate About Yourself, Your Insecurities, Weird Stuff You Do, Etc. Nobody Will Judge.
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Deleted user

Hi, I don't give my real name to internet stranger hoomans, but you can call me Sparky. I'm weird and addicted to my bed and my sketchbook. I'm actually kinda boring, really.


Hi, I don't give my real name to internet stranger hoomans, but you can call me Sparky. I'm weird and addicted to my bed and my sketchbook. I'm actually kinda boring, really.

That sounds exactly like me, the only difference being my full name has been revealed and it’s Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior

Deleted user

I'm going to state something I really hate about myself because I cannot sleep. This is disturbing with mentions of self-harm. If you are easily nauseous by anything gory, i highly suggest not reading what's inside the spoiler. Please read with your own advisory.

TL;DR: I have a mental illness which is linked with OCD that causes gruesome forms of self-harm.

@HighPockets group

I'm going to state something I really hate about myself because I cannot sleep. This is disturbing with mentions of self-harm. If you are easily nauseous by anything gory, i highly suggest not reading what's inside the spoiler. Please read with your own advisory.

TL;DR: I have a mental illness which is linked with OCD that causes gruesome forms of self-harm.

Wait, you mean people don't normally chew their fingernails/the skin around them??

Deleted user

I'm going to state something I really hate about myself because I cannot sleep. This is disturbing with mentions of self-harm. If you are easily nauseous by anything gory, i highly suggest not reading what's inside the spoiler. Please read with your own advisory.

TL;DR: I have a mental illness which is linked with OCD that causes gruesome forms of self-harm.

Wait, you mean people don't normally chew their fingernails/the skin around them??

Yes. When it's obsessive its a mental condition.

@HighPockets group

What do you mean?

Like, how you mentioned the skin around your nails and stuff, mine is like that because I chew my nails when I'm nervous and/or bored. Which is like always. And the skin is always kinda puffy.

Deleted user

What do you mean?

Like, how you mentioned the skin around your nails and stuff, mine is like that because I chew my nails when I'm nervous and/or bored. Which is like always. And the skin is always kinda puffy.

That was @ Shuri

@HighPockets group

What do you mean?

Like, how you mentioned the skin around your nails and stuff, mine is like that because I chew my nails when I'm nervous and/or bored. Which is like always. And the skin is always kinda puffy.

That was @ Shuri

Oh ok.
I didn't see his comment since mine was typing.


I used to excessively bite my nails… it wasn't caused by any illness but it still sucked considering how easily infected they'd get. I can safely say that is one of the habits/flaws I've managed to get better with since this year, along with my slouchiness and bad eating habits. This is going to be a good year, I can feel it.


What do you mean?

Like, how you mentioned the skin around your nails and stuff, mine is like that because I chew my nails when I'm nervous and/or bored. Which is like always. And the skin is always kinda puffy.

That was @ Shuri

I mean I used to deal with similar things. I just kind of… Get over it. I don't know how.

Deleted user

What do you mean?

Like, how you mentioned the skin around your nails and stuff, mine is like that because I chew my nails when I'm nervous and/or bored. Which is like always. And the skin is always kinda puffy.

That was @ Shuri

I mean I used to deal with similar things. I just kind of… Get over it. I don't know how.


Deleted user

I'm ashamed for my condition, but combat it by making stupid cannibalism jokes online.

I'm glad you can do that. I can't even mention my issues half the time. It's good that you have an outlet you can use to talk about it!

Deleted user

I'm ashamed for my condition, but combat it by making stupid cannibalism jokes online.

I'm glad you can do that. I can't even mention my issues half the time. It's good that you have an outlet you can use to talk about it!


Deleted user

I hate how i just ate half of a chocolate cake while sick help

Deleted user

I’m someone who can express themselves with confidence, like carry around anime plushies, make my sketchbook visible, play a 2DSXL instead of be on a phone which I don’t own wasting my time taking pictures of myself. I’m relatively friendly, I try my best to apologize, try not to be rude, politely exscuse myself, and more things like that. I love how much I’m confident in my own interests, how I’m not changing myself to be like the popular rich girl petty thing everyone likes, and that I can talk about my interests, no sweat or anxiety. I hate how I can’t seem to finish anything I do without adding more things which ends up making it look even worse in return, and when I’ll just be an asshole for no reason. I hate my appearance, I wish I could change it without plastic surgery or make up, but because I’m depressed I starve myself which my mom is scared of. I hate when I’m playing a game and I start shaking because I’m close to a boss then I loose! I hate when I don’t make my drawings perfectly semetrical if the poses are the same on both sides. I feel like my friends put up with me so that I don’t kill myself, and that my parents love only for the fact that I’m abnormal. I feel like whenever I’m trying to do something I’m judged by everyone, which I hate a lot (I seem like I give no shits but in relaty I hate boasting and showing off, especially when people praise my art, then beat it to a ground without constructive critism like saying oh it’s trash, and they do this when they can only draw stick figures in MS paint.), I dislike people discriminating gays, it just makes me very angry, sometimes making me do stupid things like fucking up a drawing on purpose, yelling at people when they don’t deserve it. I like cutting the rim of the thing connecting the gum and my mouth together with a spoon, I eat raw cookie dough cooked in the microwave for 2 minutes. I read sexualized Yaoi/Yuri fanfiction sand Doujinshi’s when I’m bored… I play every game on the planet besides Fortnite, yeah fuck you Fortnite, you free piece of shit. I hate Fortnite way too much, I hate it more then Homophopic people… I only listen to J-Pop, J-Rock, and videogame soundtracks, anything else I either automatically hate, or I’m indifferent. I read cringey fanfictions to boost my self confidence in my writting yes I’m very terrible, the same for cringey art.