forum My Immortal (A thread dedicated to The Worst Fanfiction Ever)
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At this point, this thread has become a tribute to shitty fanfiction. Absolutely hilarious, horribly-written, teenage hormone-infused fanfiction.

I read the Wikipedia article and nearly had a stroke reading the summary. At this point, I’m too afraid to even consider reading further.

@Pickles group

I get that she's trying to teach her kids lessons, but really, blatantly stating them every time isn't really the best way to do that. Or she's doing it wrong. I can't really tell


She also goes off on tangents in the middle of writing, to either insult atheists or talk about parts of Christianity.

@Pickles group

Yeah. Also, I feel like everything going wrong in her life is God telling her to stop, not to keep going. Fort Parsons, mommy, ugh!

@Pickles group

Just think what would have happened if Harry had not known to love the sin and not the sinner! I certainly hope this is a typo

@Pickles group

Oh dear. Petunia's hair color seems to have changed. I have no doubt that this will be used as a sign of her evolutionist tendencies if it wasn't a mistake