forum My Immortal (A thread dedicated to The Worst Fanfiction Ever)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm cleansing my brain and reminding myself there is still hope for fanfiction by reading pure, well written fluff and drowning in denial that people can write bad things.

Deleted user

can we please just talk normally now this is hurting my eyes

Deleted user

sorry. But it is legit making my head spin so please stop.


Y'all so apparently it was written abysmally on purpose? like a trollfic. at least that's what one of my mutuals said

Deleted user

Oh hell nah, this is some real BS here. I'm religious too, but, welllll… boi.

Deleted user

It's not as bad as My Immortal but it's still really bad.

Deleted user

This whole fanfiction is just so sexist. I'm sorry, really, but it is! Oh yeah, saying that women should care more about appearance and being good to men over a good career and education? Yeah, I think the fuck not!!!

Deleted user

I am in fact an atheist and I do not count my money on the floor. No siree! I count my money upon the roof of my golden limousine while calling the petty Christians HEATHENS as my robot slave driver takes me through town

This was a comment from the sequel on Wattpad. I died laughing.