forum My Immortal (A thread dedicated to The Worst Fanfiction Ever)
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Deleted user

@Pickles-Is-In-Canada you asked for this in the "Crushes" forum and I'm here to deliver.

Let's rewrite the whole damn fanfiction.

@Pickles group

So….many….typos…….how does that happen???? How does a person think it's "fink" and "da"???? WHAT IS GOING ON IS THIS CHILD OKAY????

Deleted user

AN: don't u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!

No, I don't think gay guys are that hot. Sure, if I see a guy, and he's hot, I'll think that, but him being gay has nothing to do with his attractiveness.

@Pickles group

My friend, who lives under a rock with her super Christian, over protective parents, knows more about bodies and sexualities. And SPELLING

Deleted user

Whyyyyyy? Why does this even exist???? It's so bad!!!

Deleted user

Yeah, me neither. We should totally rewrite this shouldn't we?

Deleted user

I need to take a minute and bleach my brain because my mind is getting slow from reading this thing but I'll be right back after I refresh myself with some Name Of The Wind (it's by Patrick Rothfuss, I'd highly recommend it if you haven't read it already).