forum My Immortal (A thread dedicated to The Worst Fanfiction Ever)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I think you shouldn't unless you've watched the show because it'll make you far too jaded to enjoy it anymore. If you have the context of Doctor Who it'll be pitiful but okay but if you don't… sorry, probs not.

Deleted user

The show is way better, trust me. I live for Doctor Who and scorn the bad fanfiction with great intensity.

Deleted user

I wanna watch the show eventually but I don't have a way to right now, so its gonna have to be after I move out

Okay, cool. I really do recommend it!


Oh god, do you think she ever goes back and rereads it? Do you think she's forgotten about it? She clearly hasn't tried to nuke it from the Internet yet. Do you think she's an author?! That would be amazing.


Listen, we all wrote something shitty when we were just starting out. It's all about learning from your past mistakes and threatening anyone with death if they dare bring up your old works!