forum Marching Band People
Started by @FossilJasper

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yEs and that thing where you have several concentric circles that rotate and the people in the outer circle (who usually play bigger instruments) have to basically sprint to get to their dot.

@Pickles group

Our new drill writer doesn't know how to write drill, either. He's the son of our old writer. The old one had a heart attack apparently.

Deleted user

oof our drill is written and because our band is so big, we're gonna be forming a mosh pit at the end of our show

also we have MANY visuals our director told us

@Pickles group

Today during sectionals the section leaders had a meeting so I got to warm us up and tune and it went terribly but whatever 👍

@Pickles group

Sophomore: I literally haven't practiced this at all I don't know it at all
Me: I heard you practicing before I walked in. You have it memorized. Shut the frick up

@Pickles group

Us, having done Zumba and fundamentals on the track, waiting for the football team to get off the field so we can work on pregame
Their coach makes them run to a yardline, fall, get back up and do that all the way to the fifty
Someone: whoever says the marching band works harder than the football team is insane

Deleted user

I digress. I think it depends on the school. My school's varsity team is so bad it made my dad laugh at them and we're 1000% my school pride. He said the best part of the game was us.

@Pickles group

Our parents are the only people other than the student section that actually go to games. And there are some where it's literally just us

Deleted user

true lmao

I can't ask the students if the band or football team were better because I'd get some pretty rocky answers.


My schools football team is known for being awful, the band and cheer halftime show is the highlight of football games

@Pickles group

Eighth grade band night is tomorrow so we're meeting them today and practicing and I'm gonna be section leader next year so I'm supposed to lead it and I don't remember what we're supposed to do with them

Deleted user

kill them

jk just go over with them what they’re supposed to do and how to march onto the field and stuff so they don't look totally horrible.

Deleted user

shit do you guys do like, your field show with them? that’s all my school does with the eighth graders.

@Pickles group

shit do you guys do like, your field show with them? that’s all my school does with the eighth graders.

I'm not entirely sure how it's going to work. Usually, we go on the field at halftime and they come out with us and we play some songs and then we do our show post-game without them. But it sounds like they're actually marching pregame (which is what we call our thing with the fight song and alma mater and the national anthem. I don't know if that's what other people call it) with us this year instead. So I have no clue what's happening and I don't think anyone else does either lol