forum Marching Band People
Started by @FossilJasper

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@Pickles group

Hahaha we had 11 I think flutes in marching band and then in our two concert bands we had 24, which wouldn't be so bad if it was 12 and 12 but NO it was 8 and 16 and yeah I know it's not marching band but even though the year's almost over and it's not marching band, I'm still very upset. 16!! And the rest of the band wasn't that big.

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

Guess who is probably gonna be in drum line next marching season. MEE. My friend convinced me to join and audition. Here is the thing auditions are next week and I have no clue how to play the snare and I'm probably gonna be the only snare and auditions are next week.


Guess who is probably gonna be in drum line next marching season. MEE. My friend convinced me to join and audition. Here is the thing auditions are next week and I have no clue how to play the snare and I'm probably gonna be the only snare and auditions are next week.

I support you! go tap some stuff in rhythm!


Guess who is probably gonna be in drum line next marching season. MEE. My friend convinced me to join and audition. Here is the thing auditions are next week and I have no clue how to play the snare and I'm probably gonna be the only snare and auditions are next week.

You can do it!


Oh, I'm gonna get to play piccolo in concert band next year! Yay!

Nice! the piccolo broke and was supposed to be all done getting fixed 3 weeks ago… THREE WEEKS

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

I don't like the sound of the piccolo, that is the only thing I don't like about it. I like how tiny it is and me and FossilJasper being called the pickles and being able to fit the piccolo in my hoodie pocket. My favorite thing is to play the highest note I can at random times. My friend also teases me that the piccolo is perfect for me because of how tiny the piccolo is and how tiny I am. He says it is perfect size for me. But now, drum line….I'm nervous.


Don't worry, you'll do fine. They don't expect you to be an expert on the rhythms and you won't be going against many people.

@Pickles group

Ooh good luck. I wish we had something like that but we have to relearn everything with the freshmen. And our director keeps changing our technique


I'm going for Drum Major

YES GO FOR IT! I was going to but I'm just like terrified of trying, like I know I could do it but i just UGHHHH you know.

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

I came back from interest camp a couple hours ago and it was fun. I learned how to play a few things on snare. I cried when I saw my last marching seasons marching instructor because he is leaving. He was like, why are you crying and I'm like cuz' i'm gonna miss you. I thought today was going to be the last day I see him but tomorrow is. He was like, why you crying, you're strong and at that moment I was not.

@trinitywilliams group

I'm going for Drum Major

YES GO FOR IT! I was going to but I'm just like terrified of trying, like I know I could do it but i just UGHHHH you know.

Yeah I do know how to you feel.

@Pickles group

my friend's mom is making her try out for drum major but she's only going to be a sophomore next year and she's missing at least one competition each year so….


I've thought about trying out for drum major but I'll only be a sophomore next year and I still don't know if I'll be able to do it.

@Pickles group

You might, but no one would respect you because you don't really know what you're doing (not my words, that's what someone said when we were talking about it last year in sectionals). But I mean, you could go to the clinics just for extra practice for your junior year