forum Marching Band People
Started by @FossilJasper

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@Pickles group

We pissed off our (usually door-mat-esque) band director so much the other day that he just left. It was hilarious. And it was really cold yesterday and all the freshmen were super under prepared and I'm excited for it to be cold again today
Our section leaders ended up taking over at eighth grade band night. And once a sophomore did. What the fuck

@Kanaroli group

It was our final rehearsal so some people weren't trying and some of us were and it was making him so mad because people couldn't stop talking and then they wouldn't step off in time. Even though we went over our talking time he said with the most calm yet angry voice "Take a long water break and then we'll do final run throughs(He paused for a sec here)I don't want to rehearse with people who don't care." and it stung to hear those words but it also hurt to see him like that.

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while people are getting their whole drill on the field

our last football game of the season is this Friday

@Pickles group

so we went to state yesterday and got straight superiors (@TheDolorosa twinsies! ew i hate myself) and crap now I don't remember what I was going to say. But I have a cut on my toe from a piece of pointy turf last night. ummmmm i don't remember heckity
sweet petunias I don't want to go to play-offs. next friday it's really far away and the football team gets charter buses and we get crappy regular school buses. like one of the games last year. I hate it.
maybe if I leave and come back I'll remember what I wanted to say instead of word vomiting about football

@Pickles group

so we were doing fundamental block and we were taking the first two steps and everyone either says "One, two" or "One, hit"
well I tried to do both and said "One, TIT"
so that was awkward

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ugh it already ended for me bc we sent our unis to the dry cleaners

well I guess it technically ends Thursday but we won’t even be playing in uniform :(


I love how all of you are like "NOOOO MARCHING BAND IS ENDING!" and My entire band and I are "YAAAASSSSSSSS CONCERT SEASON IS STARTING!"

@Pickles group

Concert season means I have to deal with the kid that's last chair flute and I don't have another band outlet to rant about him. Which mission complete, he hates me which means he won't be doing marching band next year SCORE

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says the person who hasn’t been in the band at all for concert season 🙄