forum Marching Band People
Started by @FossilJasper

people_alt 62 followers

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i'm in pep band, which is kinda like marching band… we play standing up and have to memorize?


Heyyy I just got done with my 3rd year of county Honor band, it was fun, and great and we sounded amazing. Then I went back to my tiny little trash high school band……. I cried, I'm not joking I cried because we were so awful. We have about 5 trombones, 4 clarinets, 2 tubas, 5 trumpets, 2 Baritones , 2 flutes one piccolo and a Bari saxophone…. ya we are small, small and terrible.


Well your band is at least better than mine. We have one flute, four trumpets, two clarinets, one tuba, and a ton of people in percussion.


I have been summoned!
Hello, I'm Wry, and I play horn in curricular band and mellophone in marching band. Nice to meet all of you.
Also some of your bands are really hecking small; it breaks my heart to hear that some bands don't even have one of each instrument. There's like 60 people in my curricular band class (and 50ish in the other class) and around 90 in marching band (including hornline, percussion, and guard).

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has almost died twice at parades I love marching band! I’m one of 6 well it depeneds in marching band. still preforms even though I have two health issues

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I’m sorry? Asks the flutes with their ridiculous high, high, high, B.