forum Marching Band People
Started by @FossilJasper

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Don't get me wrong, I love band. Band is literally my life, I love every one so so much, well that is except for one person, possibly the most important person in band. Our Director. He is literal trash treats us like trash and doesn't know what he's doing.

My band director (also Emi’s) is sooooo nice! She cares about everyone, and even though she can be serious, she only wants to see us grow!

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

Mine and FossilJasper's band director is amazing. He love to joke around with us and we have so many inside jokes only our band would get. When I was in elementary school, I was deciding to not do band in high school because of my last band teacher. She was great don't get me wrong but my high school director made band my life. He showed me how important it is for me to have music in my life. Band is literally my forever home. I going marching band because I didn't want to take regular PE and I was so happy that I chose marching band in the end. I love everything about my high school band. I love the people, director and just the stupid stuff we do and our band director lets us get away with it. Band is the way of life.


Mine and FossilJasper's band director is amazing. He love to joke around with us and we have so many inside jokes only our band would get. When I was in elementary school, I was deciding to not do band in high school because of my last band teacher. She was great don't get me wrong but my high school director made band my life. He showed me how important it is for me to have music in my life. Band is literally my forever home. I going marching band because I didn't want to take regular PE and I was so happy that I chose marching band in the end. I love everything about my high school band. I love the people, director and just the stupid stuff we do and our band director lets us get away with it. Band is the way of life.

……You get PE credit for marching band.


Do you guys not get it? That really sucks because BAND IS A SPORT! It involves physical exertion, skill, rules, and competition so it is therefore a SPORT!

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we don't

That is why Kylee and i are so shook

Bc Kylee literally fainted after her marches






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I'm literally shocked


I'm moving type of shocked

If Marching Band was a PE credit, I'd have all of my credits done in school



@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

FossilJasper wrote a letter to someone on the school board for an English assignment about how marching band should be full credit. I wrote my on how the art department(music, dance, art) doesn't get enough funding.


You get PE credits
For marching band
If I had that, I wouldn't have to take summer classes to fit in all the electives I want to take
And I wouldn't have to do regular PE
Why is this not a thing at my school
I really need it to be a thing

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Bring an uprising for full PE credit for marching band!!!!

I’m so fucking triggered, so I wouldn’t have to be hit in the face three times in one day by a fucking volleyball, not have to waste all my energy and die, not have to faint, not have to make my parents pick me up, if I went to your school. WIJSJDKXKXKXJXNXNX WHYYYYY I HATE YOU WCPS YOU FUCKING SUCK I DIDN’T WANT YOUR STUPID SPORTS I ALMOST DIED TO MANY TIMES DURING MARCHING BAND AND I COULDNT HAVE TO DO THE WORST CLASS IN EXSISTENCE

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We have tried for YEARS to get Marching band as PE credit, Years but no apparent;y it's not good enough, they don't even count sports as PE credit. Well except American football because well this is america.

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

We only get half and we have been trying to get a full one for while. Well where I live it is not fun being in marching band in the summer. It is like over 100 degrees over here during the summer.

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We only get half and we have been trying to get a full one for while. Well where I live it is not fun being in marching band in the summer. It is like over 100 degrees over here during the summer.

Oof we only have 60-90 degree summers…