forum Le Corner of Eris
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Deleted user

Plays The Phantom Of The Opera theme song on the piano in the corner

1 Why?
2 I approve.

Why? Becuase I fucking feel like it and after two hours of trying to learn it on virtual piano I finally mastered it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hmmmmmmmmmmm. Im going to be honest and admit that I havent put that much thought into it but I do think that psychological evaluations are needed (at least 3 sessions) to determine if the mother is truly sound of mind and can handle repercussions (if any) and perhaps help her go through the process of decision making. This can help deter mothers from aborting in favor of adoption. This can also help those who were raped seek out help and assist them in putting their abuser behind bars. I also think that abortions should only be allowed during the first trimester. That is 3 months to make a soild well informed decision and seek out the proper education and/or help.

I'm sure that there are a bunch of other things but these are the ones that stick out to me.

Thanks for the discuss on abortion. It has been an intellectual joy. I see that I need more information before tackling the issue fully.
What do you say on the gun bit?

Deleted user

This! I have an opinion on!
I believe guns should be legal, only after a course on gun safety and a heavy background check.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This! I have an opinion on!
I believe guns should be legal, only after a course on gun safety and a heavy background check.

That sounds pretty legit. Though I think they have that already. But they want even more control, which is unnecessary and prevents freedom of arms.

Deleted user

I think we should have freedom of arms, but not too much. Like, if you have committed a minor crime and that was years and years ago and you are now a model citizen, I think you should be able to carry a gun. However, if it was a violent crime you would be denied that right.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think we should have freedom of arms, but not too much. Like, if you have committed a minor crime and that was years and years ago and you are now a model citizen, I think you should be able to carry a gun. However, if it was a violent crime you would be denied that right.

Seems legit. (I think all felons are prohibited from owning firearms.)

Deleted user

I grew up in a military family. Guns have been in my life since day one, but I do believe that there needs to be stricter regulation. Just because we add a few more rules and criteria in order to obtain guns, doesn't mean that their rights are infringed or their freedom is getting restricted.

When cars were first introduced, there were no laws regulating their use and what not. Think of all the hoops and shit you have to jump through just to get a license nowadays. Not to mention how easy it is the lose that privilege. No one hees and haws over that.

Deleted user

M e t o o
Which sucks, becuase I'm about to commit homicide on my science teacher

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I grew up in a military family. Guns have been in my life since day one, but I do believe that there needs to be stricter regulation. Just because we add a few more rules and criteria in order to obtain guns, doesn't mean that their rights are infringed or their freedom is getting restricted.

When cars were first introduced, there were no laws regulating their use and what not. Think of all the hoops and shit you have to jump through just to get a license nowadays. Not to mention how easy it is the lose that privilege. No one hees and haws over that.

I think you strike a good point. What do you think is lacking in gun regulations today?

Deleted user

proper background checks, proper education, nothing is really done about trafficking across boarders. There's no regulations about how guns should be properly handled after purchasing to avoid children from getting them or angry mentally disturbed teenagers.

People are so worried about their rights that they forget to do what is right for the safety of others and themselves

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

proper background checks, proper education, nothing is really done about trafficking across boarders. There's no regulations about how guns should be properly handled after purchasing to avoid children from getting them or angry mentally disturbed teenagers.

People are so worried about their rights that they forget to do what is right for the safety of others and themselves

Hmm, point.

Deleted user


Apparently I'm a grandma and thats why i know all this.

Deleted user

Damnnnnnnn hitting me with the tough questions. (winks)

Eris :P

Deleted user

My mother wanted me to be the toughest little girl on the block. Lol instead she got stuck with a sassy punk.
Dominic is pretty awesome too. You don't hear that one very often anymore.

Deleted user

I have a pretty unique dead name… But it's the name of a store so it's pretty easy to find out.

Deleted user

I think so too! I was thinking of having it as Kai, but Lex clicked with me.
My dead name is Macy, btw

Deleted user

Pretty okay, a bit stressed but one of my best mates are coming over and I haven't seen her in about… 6 months