forum Le Corner of Eris
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I don't care, grandmothers are badass.
They have to deal with bratty kids and if they do something shitty, they don't get judged as hard.

Deleted user

I was unaware you wanted to be my old mystic japanese crush.

Probably 75?

Lol no. Just wanted my age.

How old are you then?

Deleted user

I don't care, grandmothers are badass.
They have to deal with bratty kids and if they do something shitty, they don't get judged as hard.

XD i mean i guesssssssss


I don't care, grandmothers are badass.
They have to deal with bratty kids and if they do something shitty, they don't get judged as hard.

XD i mean i guesssssssss


Deleted user

I get it

(Mmm no I haven’t been stalking this chat what?)

Moxie my dude, coming to save. XD Thank you for picking up what I was throwing down.

Deleted user

That awkward moment….when life…does an odd thing….


I was making a rather ironic comment about how life tends to come full circle and odd situations get mirrored.

@Moxie group

I get it

(Mmm no I haven’t been stalking this chat what?)

Moxie my dude, coming to save. XD Thank you for picking up what I was throwing down.

I gotchu Eris

Deleted user

His parents were 18 and 24 when they met.
I was joking around about crushing on him because i thought he was an old adorable mystic japanese man (i did not actually think this, it was another joke) when it was revealed that he is 18 and I am 24.


Ironic. See? Life is weird.

Deleted user

I am NOT implying anything more than the jokes aforementioned.

Deleted user

That awkward moment….when life…does an odd thing….


I was making a rather ironic comment about how life tends to come full circle and odd situations get mirrored.

Ooooooh I get it!

I knew you would, Domi-kun