forum Le Corner of Eris
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Hey guys!

I'm not entirely sane but I do give some pretty dank advise if I do say so myself. So if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or a box of chocolates I am here to listen and help.

The world is a shitty place but it only takes one kind act (or a really shitty jok/pun. Eyyyyyyyyyy finger guns) to make someone smile and turn their day around.

Come on in and get comfy because Queen Mama Eris is here to for you.

Deleted user

((looks up from paperwork)) Nothing had come across my desk recently. D: No one wants my helllllllllllp. I'm such a nice supportive person.
((flips table))

Deleted user

Why thank you Shuri-kun. I shall wait patiently. Hopefully it just means everyone is having a decent holiday season!

Deleted user

Just went to a party and was consumed by my illogical fear.

Deleted user

Being social?
Being social with clowns?

obviously their fear is…….. teenagers. shudders

Deleted user

Being social?
Being social with clowns?

I got into a car crash yesterday and now I'm afraid that a car is going to come crashing through the wall and kill me.


Being social?
Being social with clowns?

I got into a car crash yesterday and now I'm afraid that a car is going to come crashing through the wall and kill me.

Sorry, Lex…