forum Le Corner of Eris
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Deleted user

Ok so

looks around

Rape and abortion laws ohmygod don’t even get me started

Deleted user






@Althalosian-is-the-father book






1 Hell that’s messed up!
2 You can’t? Why not?

Deleted user

It FUCKING IS MESSED UP! It is. Look up Rape punishments and go to news articles and you’ll find so much shit.
Okay so politicians are debating on illegalizing Abortion because it kills the baby n stuff. And honestly I do agree that it is cruel but 1) In order to get the abortion, a woman requires a MAN’S consent and 2) rape victims. Just… they need that option!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It FUCKING IS MESSED UP! It is. Look up Rape punishments and go to news articles and you’ll find so much shit.
Okay so politicians are debating on illegalizing Abortion because it kills the baby n stuff. And honestly I do agree that it is cruel but 1) In order to get the abortion, a woman requires a MAN’S consent and 2) rape victims. Just… they need that option!

My take on punishment for rape is this: First time: five years, second: ten, third: death.
Okay. I agree with that because the baby. On the man bit my first reaction was ???! but then I thought, what if the guy wanted to keep the baby? He should be able to.
Two things. One, it isn’t rape victims doing more than 2% of abortion, so even though I don’t like it, it would be waaay better if it was just them.
Two, strangely enough, a lot of rape victims find the child to be like a blessing after the horror. I have heard that it is said that the kid is “the only good thing to come of it” or something like that.

Deleted user

Right. I totally agree with your take on punishments, as well as abortion. And with some thought, that does make sense (with the man).
It’s a weird thing to bring off of something like that, but personally, I’m petrified pf rape, so I see everything with rape at a weird angle.

I’ll go back to my corner now, good byyeee! Thank you for the discussion!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Right. I totally agree with your take on punishments, as well as abortion. And with some thought, that does make sense (with the man).
It’s a weird thing to bring off of something like that, but personally, I’m petrified pf rape, so I see everything with rape at a weird angle.

I’ll go back to my corner now, good byyeee! Thank you for the discussion!

Thank you Emi. You were nice to talk to.

Deleted user

My only issue with all this shit is that people still dont have rights to control what happens to their own body. I dont understand why people (ahem politicians) need to butt in on everything. Why does a politician from Maine thats never met me get to decide that I cannot abort a baby i feel i am not ready for (or was conceived by rape, etc.)? Or that same politician deciding that contraception and healthcare should not be free? That is the true issue here.

Dont get me started on rape punishment. I have, unfortunately, many MANY words to say about it

Deleted user

Eris is bringing it back. Sorry my dudes. You can ignore if you want. Im just dropping my two cents and dippin.



Sorry don't mind me passing through. Was just reading along and I really wanted to say thank you for discussing such a heavy topic with such niceties and being civil with one another. That was really refreshing to see.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My only issue with all this shit is that people still dont have rights to control what happens to their own body. I dont understand why people (ahem politicians) need to butt in on everything. Why does a politician from Maine thats never met me get to decide that I cannot abort a baby i feel i am not ready for (or was conceived by rape, etc.)? Or that same politician deciding that contraception and healthcare should not be free? That is the true issue here.

Dont get me started on rape punishment. I have, unfortunately, many MANY words to say about it

Well the reason is that first off, politicians are involved in the law, and I think this issue should have legal involvement. The main argument for pro life peeps is this:
-also let me say first that I completely agree that you should have complete control over your body- The baby deserves life, as it is an individual living human being, and that life should be taken by nobody.

Deleted user

I agree. Thank you! I feel many people here on Notebook are people that actually use their brains and care that their opinions are heard and discussed properly, instead of being full of hate. Open mindedness is a particularly strong trait that is looked down upon. Its a shame really, but you all make me very happy to call you friends.

Deleted user

Well the reason is that first off, politicians are involved in the law, and I think this issue should have legal involvement. The main argument for pro life peeps is this:
-also let me say first that I completely agree that you should have complete control over your body- The baby deserves life, as it is an individual living human being, and that life should be taken by nobody.

Legal involvement and legal involvement that is inclusive and open are two different things unfortunately. But yes I agree, legal structure is necessary. I'd just not have said politician that is blind to all things woman or post 1980s have the deciding voice.

I agree 100% that life is sacred and should be cherished, but speaking from a med student's point of view…there is no heart, no brain, no hands, feet, spine or NOTHING at conception. There isn't for several weeks. Allowing SAFE abortion (FOR THE RIGHT REASONS & AFTER MUCH EDUCATION) during this time period should be allowed. Now, later on when there is all the before mentioned things and the fetus is no longer a clump of cells, abortion should only be delved out by responsible doctors only for life altering reasons (ie: the mothers or babys life is in jeopardy etc.) if it is not for one of these reason, adoption is a wonderful thing.

Making abortion illegal is impossible. Its not going to take away the practice. Its only going to take away the safe practice. Illegal abortions will grow and the mortality rate of desperate women will only rise.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I agree. Thank you! I feel many people here on Notebook are people that actually use their brains and care that their opinions are heard and discussed properly, instead of being full of hate. Open mindedness is a particularly strong trait that is looked down upon. Its a shame really, but you all make me very happy to call you friends.

Aw thanks Eris!


Feminism is such an important topic, but let me just say this: people who call themselves ‘feminists’ and still put down males due to race, gender, and sexuality are not feminists. They are sexist people who think they are feminists.

Deleted user

Feminism is such an important topic, but let me just say this: people who call themselves ‘feminists’ and still put down males due to race, gender, and sexuality are not feminists. They are sexist people who think they are feminists.



Feminism is such an important topic, but let me just say this: people who call themselves ‘feminists’ and still put down males due to race, gender, and sexuality are not feminists. They are sexist people who think they are feminists.

Indeed. These fake "feminists" are actually Misandrists, AKA people who hate men, and are using the term "feminist" as a guise so they don't get called out for it. It's horrible.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well the reason is that first off, politicians are involved in the law, and I think this issue should have legal involvement. The main argument for pro life peeps is this:
-also let me say first that I completely agree that you should have complete control over your body- The baby deserves life, as it is an individual living human being, and that life should be taken by nobody.

Legal involvement and legal involvement that is inclusive and open are two different things unfortunately. But yes I agree, legal structure is necessary. I'd just not have said politician that is blind to all things woman or post 1980s have the deciding voice.

I agree 100% that life is sacred and should be cherished, but speaking from a med student's point of view…there is no heart, no brain, no hands, feet, spine or NOTHING at conception. There isn't for several weeks. Allowing SAFE abortion (FOR THE RIGHT REASONS & AFTER MUCH EDUCATION) during this time period should be allowed. Now, later on when there is all the before mentioned things and the fetus is no longer a clump of cells, abortion should only be delved out by responsible doctors only for life altering reasons (ie: the mothers or babys life is in jeopardy etc.) if it is not for one of these reason, adoption is a wonderful thing.

Making abortion illegal is impossible. Its not going to take away the practice. Its only going to take away the safe practice. Illegal abortions will grow and the mortality rate of desperate women will only rise.

Imma read this carefully before I respond. Lol.
Well remember, to some extent everyone is a clump of cells. The only thing your argument brings (on that part) is the question: do those things (heart, brain, spine) make a person a person? More on the safe part later. I agree (as do prolifers) about abortion being an option if it is to save the mother.
Adoption is great.
Making abortion illegal is most definitely possible. Stopping abortion all together is.
On the “Safe” part. We don’t necessarily have safe abortion so far. The big industries like PP have literally killed people before.

Deleted user

Imma read this carefully before I respond. Lol.
Well remember, to some extent everyone is a clump of cells. The only thing your argument brings (on that part) is the question: do those things (heart, brain, spine) make a person a person? More on the safe part later. I agree (as do prolifers) about abortion being an option if it is to save the mother.
Adoption is great.
Making abortion illegal is most definitely possible. Stopping abortion all together is.
On the “Safe” part. We don’t necessarily have safe abortion so far. The big industries like PP have literally killed people before.

Imma first say: thank you with all my heart for being so open to discuss and like actually reading what everyone is saying. You're a really nice guy!! (this goes for everyone. I'm moderating this shit hardcore so if people get rude or uncivilized you will face my wrath. Open discussion is something I cherish. Please PLEASE remain nice.)

-Now. I see your point! Well put. But at the same time we are a conscious clump of cells. Aware of our existence because we are capable of thought. A 3 week old fetus does not have a concept of its own existence. It is literally on par with a cancer tumor. (Horrible to say I know but its the truth) I for one believe that the deity (whomever you may believe in) doesn't drop a "soul" into a zygote at the moment the sperm penetrates the egg.
-Stopping abortion entirely is like stopping the drug trade. It just cannot be done because there will always be a demand for it. Unless the population becomes infertile then (shrugs) it wouldnt even be a problem anymore.
-Every industry has killed at least one person, my friend. That kind of thinking is…well….silly. PP abortion is the safest way to go about it. Despite risks that women are told of during their initial visit and their post visit.

Deleted user

Okay… Thanks… I don't really understand this subject enough to debate on it.

*Perks of being a mature middle schooler who never gets good sources