forum Le Corner of Eris
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Deleted user

D: LEx nO. You made me feel oldddddddddddddddddddddd.

But honestly. If you're interested, reading up on this stuff is important. Times are changing and its good to know the basis of the political arguments around you.

Of course you dont have to listen to this grandma D:

Deleted user


broski its my official birthday on sunday…. i cannot be feeling oLd.

Deleted user

In the wise words of Lex- "Fuck off!"
I know I'm young, but I'm a lot more mature then some teens on this hellsite.

Deleted user

Good, her ex is super clingy and all around annoying.
He was stressing her out.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Imma read this carefully before I respond. Lol.
Well remember, to some extent everyone is a clump of cells. The only thing your argument brings (on that part) is the question: do those things (heart, brain, spine) make a person a person? More on the safe part later. I agree (as do prolifers) about abortion being an option if it is to save the mother.
Adoption is great.
Making abortion illegal is most definitely possible. Stopping abortion all together is.
On the “Safe” part. We don’t necessarily have safe abortion so far. The big industries like PP have literally killed people before.

Imma first say: thank you with all my heart for being so open to discuss and like actually reading what everyone is saying. You're a really nice guy!! (this goes for everyone. I'm moderating this shit hardcore so if people get rude or uncivilized you will face my wrath. Open discussion is something I cherish. Please PLEASE remain nice.)

-Now. I see your point! Well put. But at the same time we are a conscious clump of cells. Aware of our existence because we are capable of thought. A 3 week old fetus does not have a concept of its own existence. It is literally on par with a cancer tumor. (Horrible to say I know but its the truth) I for one believe that the deity (whomever you may believe in) doesn't drop a "soul" into a zygote at the moment the sperm penetrates the egg.
-Stopping abortion entirely is like stopping the drug trade. It just cannot be done because there will always be a demand for it. Unless the population becomes infertile then (shrugs) it wouldnt even be a problem anymore.
-Every industry has killed at least one person, my friend. That kind of thinking is…well….silly. PP abortion is the safest way to go about it. Despite risks that women are told of during their initial visit and their post visit.

So would you say consciousness is a reasonable thing for determining if a human should be able to be killed? (That sounds rather harsh but… there it is.)
I say leave God out of it. I’m a religious person myself, but most people I would debate with don’t hold my views, so what I think about God don’t count for much in that argument.
Yeah I agree on the abortion/drug biz.
Maybe. But PP is super racist, along with the fact that many people who go into and come out of the abortion business are pretty twisted. (Margret Sanger, Kermit Gosnel, Josef Mengele to name a few.) Not to mention that the people in charge straight up lie about pretty much everything. They also give no counseling to the women after abortion even though there is a semi common mental disease that comes after abortion. And they have killed more then one person. (Not counting any kids.)



also, on the topic of abortions, sorry if someone has said this already:

Abortions can save lives
If you are a twelve year old girl impregnated by a rapist, you could die giving birth, and so could the baby

If you are raped and do not have the money or resources to raise a child (we cost a lot jesus christ), you and your baby could end up on the streets, where you could both die

If you want/need to get an abortion, you should be allowed to get one because it's nobody's fucking business but yours


But it’s not a kid yet
There’s no consciousness
At this point it’s basically less than uprooting a small plant
And even if it was a kid and it was its business, it’s not anyone else’s
If two percent of abortions are rape, then what’s the other 98%?
Btw sorry f I come off as aggressive I’m not

Deleted user

So would you say consciousness is a reasonable thing for determining if a human should be able to be killed? (That sounds rather harsh but… there it is.)
I say leave God out of it. I’m a religious person myself, but most people I would debate with don’t hold my views, so what I think about God don’t count for much in that argument.
Yeah I agree on the abortion/drug biz.
Maybe. But PP is super racist, along with the fact that many people who go into and come out of the abortion business are pretty twisted. (Margret Sanger, Kermit Gosnel, Josef Mengele to name a few.) Not to mention that the people in charge straight up lie about pretty much everything. They also give no counseling to the women after abortion even though there is a semi common mental disease that comes after abortion. And they have killed more then one person. (Not counting any kids.)

Trust me, darling, you couldn't offend me if you tried. I've had a hard life so say your harshness if you will. <3

-I would say that actually. Don't people pull the plug on their loved ones everyday if they are deemed "brain dead"? The most common thing people say in that situation is "It's an empty shell." or "(Name) isn't here anymore." Consciousness is a huge part of what it is to be alive. If you don't have one, it's not really life.
-I would generally leave religion out of it as well, but that is a very powerful card that prolifers use. I don't hate them for it. Not one bit! It's a smart strategy for people to stop and listen. But you must apply science to it as well. There is no way that a two cell organism as a "soul".
-Now I understand your argument about PP. Like all industries there can be people that are racist and those people end up on the news and slather hate all over a good company name (Starbucks/Chipotle/H&M whathaveyou) but as a teenage full blooded hispanic woman, I walked into a PP and received the best care that I ever have in my life. My doctor that I went to before that since I was a wee tike, couldn't even compare to the women (and man) that took care of me that day. Just because one or two or three head people where found out to be shitholes doesn't mean that the entire company is corrupt. (Trust me I worked under Donald Bren. The Irvine Company is seedy as hell, but the everyday people make it what it is.) You can't force someone into counselling without a court order, its unfortunate, but the truth. They do offer counseling services though, just because a lot of women don't take that opportunity doesn't mean that its not offered. Just like how pregnant women usually turn down services like that in a hospital after giving birth.
-The car industry has killed millions, and yet people still buy cars.

((Damn your're smart as hell. I'm enjoying the fuck out of this.))