forum Le Corner of Eris
Started by Deleted user
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Dante is v v v sick right now.
When we woke up the first thing he did was head to the bathroom and I mean… it was naaasty…
So I ask him if he's OK and he says he has a headache. And I could see that he was shivering.
Turns out he has a burning fever.
So I piled all the blankets and even a few towels on top of him, and have been feeding him fruit and vegetables all day…
Even when puking his guts out he's still trying to be a naughty boy, so that's a good sign.
But he has a weird fear of his own bodily waste, so that sucks…
He's getting better though…


Dante is v v v sick right now.
When we woke up the first thing he did was head to the bathroom and I mean… it was naaasty…
So I ask him if he's OK and he says he has a headache. And I could see that he was shivering.
Turns out he has a burning fever.
So I piled all the blankets and even a few towels on top of him, and have been feeding him fruit and vegetables all day…
Even when puking his guts out he's still trying to be a naughty boy, so that's a good sign.
But he has a weird fear of his own bodily waste, so that sucks…
He's getting better though…

shit, hope he gets better by tomorrow

Deleted user

My parents are forcing me to sit in the living room and I'm about to fucking cry becuase if I move anywhere they say they'll take my laptop and throw it into the pool.

Deleted user

I'm going to go and they can throw my fucking bed in the pool for all I care.