forum In Which I Talk of My Relations with A Mans
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Deleted user

[Playing Truth or Dare]

mysnelf: snickers “Who’s your crush?”

“Wh-wh… what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Who’s your crush, bb?”

“I don’t unders- you?”

haha humour is humourous

Deleted user

also I sent him this picture in the middle of the night last night bc I thought he was asleep

he wasn’t

he called me, at 2:15 in the morning, to go to bed

he put on his big boy take care of Emi pants

i was talking to my best friend and the whole conversation was just g r e at

Deleted user

lmao now that you’ve seen me without fancy lighting and stuff, you can soundly say that

thank you!

Deleted user

@Pickles-BeatMrMintAndStartedOnlineSchool please join us on our wacky adventures if you are not following already

Deleted user

“Well, eating counts as a physical activity. Just like sleeping. You eat something then it gets digested by stomach fluids and goes down whatever tubes are in your stomach.”

“… do you mean…. intestines? Thank god you’re going into Computer sciences and not Human sciences.”

“Whatever they’re called. Anyway, I’m gonna hang up and get perform a physical activity which will get rid of my lunch.”

“Wh- oh, I did not need to know that.”

c on v er s

Deleted user

Nate’s kinda going through a thing and I took a vow of silence

I meant to send the following to my friend:

and I quote:

[this picture]

s q u o n c h”

and i accidentally sent it to him

he has absolute power and permission to end our relationship now and i wouldn’t think otherwise

Deleted user

I’m cryimg

the more i think about it the more it draws me closer to thinking that I just made everything 10x worse lmfaoooo

Deleted user

I’ve sent three messages in response to my one

Two minutes after I sent it:

“ s h it

i’m sorry”

“ this was the wrong person

i am

so sorry”

Then almost five minutes later:

“i am crying with laughter right now, I’m so sorry, love

you have the absolute power to tell me to never contact you again and I’d understand

I’m sorry ❤️❤️❤️❤️“

He hasn’t answered and i am just——-

Deleted user

it’s been an hour, I called him, and he purposefully hUng up


I deserve this lmao

Deleted user

So Nate had his LTE off for a while, and he went for a run yesterday so he turned it on due to risk of injury or something going wrong. So none of my stuff was sending through the five days he had his LTE off.

The first thing I send (or rather, the most recent thing I had sent that made everything else send) was “you dunk my nugget, Nate”

Deleted user


you are in so much trouble!!“

(the next two were sent at the same time)

“Is it because I broke a jar of queso?”

“… for being so handsome and lovable ❤❤❤❤❤❤

that is not the answer i expected and i should not have typed that so soon” (this one was me)