forum In Which I Talk of My Relations with A Mans
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Deleted user

Nate: Complimenting my voice and how it’s putting him at peace and almost putting him to sleep

Emi: I don’t want you to >:0

Deleted user

I forgot to add to this due to everything, but I remembered like, just a few minutes ago.

So the eight hours of just unsolicited, unfiltered Nate went like this:

  • One of my handmade bracelets broke because he got me into a physical fucking fight with him
  • In the said fight, he almost burst my lip and gave me several bruises on my right arm. Which wasn’t even the arm he was targeting, so I don’t know how that happened. He attacked mostly my face and nose. This nunc. I swear.
  • Meanwhile I struck him repeatedly in the sides and closer to his neck with more force, just less often, so he got away unscathed.
  • He made a horrible joke about bloodshed that I’m not even going to repeat here, and I made him feel shame for everything he did to me in that fight.
  • He took these two videos of my extremely dramatic breakdown over Bernie Sanders and him winning Nevada
    (First few minutes of the breakdown)

    (After seeing the absolute mindblowing, pushing over the edge “🔥Boomers for Bernie2020🔥” written unironically in the stream chat during Bernie’s winning speech)

    (My brain literally had no idea how to handle it)
  • After that we went outside for stargazing after another physical few moments of mental breakdown and sobbing from yours truly.
  • I sung to him for the first time, or as I called it, serenaded him.
  • and we cuddled a lot so that was fun

Deleted user

lmao no i haven’t, and now I’m glad I have lmaoo

Nate loves Bloomberg so I’ll have to share this with him

Deleted user

Anyway some stuff happened but it’s as cool as it can get so let me inform you on the fact that I like Nate’s handwriting a lot.

But he refuses to accept it, and instead compliments my handwriting, like did I ask, no, sir, I did not

He refused to write me a Valentine’s day card lmfao because I told him I’d put it on my wall of Art (even though he did the same thing with the cards I wrote for him)

well he might, but it’d be a little late

that’s about it

Deleted user

Lmao I say the same thing. It’s like someone’s voice, you know? It’s something so far out that you can never focus on until it comes up.

Nate describes my voice as melodic and my handwriting elegant, even though he’s not really the type to see things like that.

I’m more spacey and I prefer to see smaller details in people. How Nate does his nines like circle then line like a barbarian, and how he struggles to say emphasis because of a weird speech thing he has.

it tells you so much about people and helps you fall in love with the person they are inside. It’s just natural things that they can’t control.

Deleted user

My dumb right-side brain just blurts out things about him lol

I’m sure if Nate used the site as much as I did, then discovered this thread, like, he’d just be annoyed and get jokingly angry about it

But, hey you know, he’s not perfect but he’s still a ray of sunshine :p

I bet you’d like him, Dom, if you could talk to him more.

Deleted user

I’m going to stalk this as a friend, totally no other somewhat creepy reason.

Deleted user

I thought you’d like it, especially with what’s going on

and you seem to like following my close relationships in a pleasant, friendly way

while making sure that it’s ok

Deleted user

lmao even though you’ve known him for just as long as I have

Deleted user

You know I’d do the same if [Name Redacted] did the same to you

which i doubt i mean

Deleted user

lol I’m going to get friend zoned before I ever get in a relationship with [Name Redacted] it’s totally not making me cry on the inside or anything, it’s not like I like [Name Redacted] a lot or anything nervous laughter

Deleted user

um, we haven’t made it official and I’m scared to..?

Deleted user

gives you that Look that I told you to remember

Talk to him about it, then. Email him or something.

Deleted user