forum In Which I Talk of My Relations with A Mans
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[Talking about preferred body types]

“I bet your body type is the real chad, like this guy:

hard muscle, with a six pack, and rock hard nipples.”

“Yeah, because I just love dehydration and ice cubes.”

“What do you mean, like, do you just imagine me dehydrating myself and rubbing ice cubes all over myself?”

“That is not an image I wanted in my head.”

He also doesn’t know what to do when I’m feeling depressed, and he’s trying to figure it out and honestly it’s the sweetest thing

Deleted user

Also he’s logging every time I “moan” lmfao

By definition, not by the weird pleasured one which is how I think of moans


long drawn out sounds of anguish

Deleted user

I just called him a Bard

He’s offended by it lmao

He called me a tank based on how much self-defense training I do, and in return I insulted him

He just called me Hitler bc I used a stereotype

Deleted user

i did and he said he’d make me kill myself lmfao

Deleted user

Anyway today we went on a date to a park in the town we live in. It’s relatively big and has a big lake.

I took a lot of pictures:

yet somehow he didn’t like these pictures that i took but like how can you not admire them?

I talked about how someone as detail oriented as myself is told that you should keep them, then immediately mistook the shadow of the sun on a tree as the American flag, and a banana rather than a yellow snake

i had fun tho :D

we also kissed a lot, don’t tell anyone

Deleted user

He just called me special before we hung up tonight

my sunshine man

he’s a sunshine

Deleted user

Emi you have your healthy relationship! You go best girl!
While I sit over here having awkward conversations with [Name Redacted] which is good enough for me.

Deleted user

Nate: Probably doing something productive and ignoring my stupid ass

Me, the stupid idiot:

Now at this point you might be thinking:

“What the hell is she doing?”

And in which my answer would be, “Great question. Serenading my guinea pig. Badly.”

Deleted user

lmao I’m glad you answered sooner than he did just to prove my point

Deleted user

[A conversation, featuring Emi, talking to Emi]

So you haven’t heard from him all day.

Call him?


You remember that thing you watched a couple days ago that was like, just live your life, do whatever the hell you want to do?


Well what the hell he gonna do if you call him? Kill you?

I don’t wanna disturb him-

But you haven’t heard from him at all

He might be busy!

Yeah, all day, sure.

I’ll call him at 8. No shit, wait, it’s 7:56, I’ll call him at 8:30.

annoyed mind sigh

I’m conflicted and angry at myself

Deleted user

Oh yeah, fucking Nate wouldn’t do a damn thing but hesitate at all if he were in my situation

If anything if I were busy he’d just keep calling

like a couple of days ago when I was on the phone with one of my friends, he just ke p t calling

there was this one time I was downstairs and I came back up to nine missed phone calls

so i don’t think i’m as bad but i’ll still feel bad because i have sympathy damnit

Deleted user

I don’t need an angel on my shoulder telling me to call the devil on my shoulder lmao

but i’ll do that

i like that

Deleted user

[Playing two lies and a truth]

Nate: “1) I am dating someone who is strong, independent, and beautiful. 2) I am dating someone who is a 9/10. 3) I am dating someone who is talented.”

Myself: “Well, all of them.” (We laugh for a couple of minutes). “Would it be number two?”

Nate: “Yeah, actually, because you’re a 10/10.”

holy s h i t he’s good, better than I thought

Deleted user

lmfao i forgot to respond to this

I’m very proud of him

Deleted user

Because of me being a writer, and have not written in some time, I was desperate for any ideas.

Nate blessed me with the idea of a schizophrenic child whose parents seem really terrible, but are just protecting her from the world outside. Obsessively.

Here’s what I, may I remind you,


have so far as far as characters. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to lmao


MC (young girl): Sara King- Homeschooled. Ten years old. Shy, reserved to herself. Isn’t open to her parents. Mother scares her. Has outside people (like [Redacted Friends]) that are trying to reach her and help her. Parents of said friends had already suspected something wrong. Likes to drink sodas and dislikes loud sounds.

Appearance: Relatively short, wild black hair, always freaking frizzy, crooked, yellowed teeth.


Father: Oscar King- Factory worker. 45 Years of Age, born 3/06/75. Formerly an alcoholic, particularly knowledgeable in the ways of manipulation. British pedigree. Agnostic. Had several affairs while with Phoebe. Possibility of half-sisters or half-brothers to Sara is strong.

Appearance: Pale white, patches of opaque skin on his hands and arms (Vitiligo). Dark black hair that also is missing patches of color due to his condition. Dark blue eyes, prominent jaw, strong brow, small cheekbones. 150lbs, 6’ (barely underweight due to body structure). Close to a rectangular body shape.

Mother: Phoebe (Rose) King- Unemployed. 38 Years of Age. Born 12/26/82. Has a degree in pediatrics. Currently not searching for a job due to taking care of Sara. Mixed ethnicity (French) Christian. Previously married, divorced one time over family issues considering religion.

Appearance: A kind of chick you’d see as a regular at a nail salon. Despite practicing religion, she has undergone many physical changes based on her previous relationship, and what he wanted. Long nails, usually painted a sickening pink, blanched, stretched skin, making her look plastic-like and unattractive. Hair dyed a blonde, natural brunette. Dark, dark blue eyes. 5’3, 120lbs (normal). Ridiculously pear-shaped body.

Made up/fantasy people (Supporting characters):

Master Frank Clarke (Made up king of 1882)

Mr. Oscar Woodward (Butler guy)

Real Threat (Not necessarily an antagonist, just someone working against the parents):

Child Protective Services

Detective Rolph Joan (big bad boi)- Always annoyed, works late nights and early mornings. “Big Coffee and Big Tired” Aesthetic. Despite always being annoyed, nothing ruffles his feathers as easily as one might think. Calm in situations of high stress. Has a family of three; three adopted children, divorced twice, but found love in a woman named Molly Hiner (Molly Joan). Has Swedish heritage (hence the first name. Father was 50% Sweed). 5’11 and 172 (Slightly overweight due to muscle). 54 Years of Age.

Appearance: Overfluffed brown hair, sticking up in every single direction due to how many times his hands have gone through it. Damage to the roots where he had dyed it repeatedly. His hair sort of looks darker on top as opposed to the ends due to his roots being dyed pure black rather than the dark, dark brown his hair usually is. He doesn’t care too much.

Detective andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) “Andy” Walters (Mr. Walters) [Walters’] (Comic relief)- Bubby, bright, always smiling. Doesn’t have that “Detective Edge” to him yet, so he was given to Detective Joan to straighten him out. Despite this, though, and what he has seen so far in the business, Detective Walters prefers to look on the bright side of things.

Appearance: Curly blond hair that never goes back his ears, and is usually styled so that it curls in front of his face.

Plot points:
She could’ve made up those people along with the story of her parents, to have it make more sense in her head. Manipulation began at a young age of five, where she was pulled from daycare to avoid suspicion. Still goes to Church every Sunday. Get saved on Christmas day?

POV: 3rd person, past tense.
Setting: Somewhere in America, probably closer to the Mexican-American border. New Mexico? California- San Diego, El Centro? Year of 2020 in April, probably through December of 2020.

Basically the whole point of me sharing that (AGAIN, you did not have to read it to get the main idea), is the point that it was all me. I offered to write it with him, and I added him to the doc, and all he did was dick around

i mean honestly

He thought I wasn’t taking it seriously until like, halfway through Sara’s father.

Deleted user

(Vitiligo). Dark black hair that also is missing patches of color due to his condition.

I didn't know this was a thing! How cool!

You didn’t?? I did some research to make sure it was legit, but yeah, it’s a thing!

Deleted user

Ah thank you, I’ll fix that. I wrote Vitiligo before skin tone, if you couldn’t tell lmao.