forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

We're on circles, since we have 9 days left of school. I'M SO HAPPY. But then I'm going to a college to basically run a fake business for a week with a bunch of people from all over the state. I'll be rooming with my friends and hours away from my parents. Wish my anxious self luck.


Omg GOOD LUCK. My friend is going to a thing a lot like that, we call it girls' state, I don't re,ember what it's actually called, but basically, it's a bunch of girls from all over the state who are separated from everyone they know and have to work together for a week to form a functioning government. I hear it's pretty cool.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Ours is called Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week–except it's far from free. Even with a company sponsoring us and paying $1,500 for us to go, my mom had to pay around $300 for me to go.


(Sorry it took me so long, I got called for dinner)
Yeah, our students have to raise money to pay for their registration fee - about $150. My friend has really been stressing about it because her father refuses to pay it for her, and she can't figure out how to get the money.

@ElderGod-kirky group

(It's dinner already for you? It's only 2:21PM here)

Oh wow. I'm actually surprised my mom paid for it, and I'm really glad that 15 hundred is already paid for by a company.


Yeah, her dad doesn't really care about her, he likes her brother way better. Plus he wants his 14 year old son to have THREE OR FOUR GIRLFRIENDS but kicked his 16 year old daughter out of the house because he found out she wasn't a virgin. Hmmmm… parenting?

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I was gonna say…)

Ugh, parental favoritism. Mine's not that bad, but it still sucks. My father is pretty passive, so he probs won't care if I (ever) get a boyfriend. My mom is shipping me with the person on here that helped me get rid of my creepy stalker guy. She'll ship me with anyone if it means getting me a bf. *sigh*


I think my mom likes to hear about my girl crushes, but she doesn't want me to act on them? Which I find a bit strange, but… whatever.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Okay, here's my dilemma:

I don't feel strongly either way.

Like, I've never really been attracted to anyone. My friends will show me pictures of some guy and gush about how hot or cute he is and I'm like "??? Okay?? And???"


Hmm, it's possible you're aromantic. Could also be that you haven't found your "type" yet, which seems unlikely, since you've been around for 16 years.


I honestly don't know what to make of that situation. I don't really like anyone at my school, but I have a low high key crush on this chick on Instagram. The guys at my school are mostly stuck up assholes, and there's barely any gay chicks, so… that's always fun. I never really think of people as "hot". It's always nice, or sweet, or sometimes cute, idk hot people aren't really my thing anyway. Give me the adorable squishyfloofs.

@ElderGod-kirky group

lmao. I guess, if anything, I'd go for personality more than looks. But I have no opportunity to test that theory as no one has shown any interest in little 'ol me–besides the creep, but I digress.


(Sorry, I had to do do chores)
Aww, if you were gay and didn't live on the other side of the country, I'd date you. Then again, I say that to pretty much anyone who isn't a dickhead… but still… it counts for something?

@ElderGod-kirky group

I made the mistake of going in a car with a relatively empty stomach. I only had cereal for breakfast, no lunch, and then a handful of MnM's before we left.


(Sorry it took me so long, I'm desperately trying to put together an audition for the Circus animation thing they're doing. And I had to SING, so… like, I've been told I can sing, but listening to my voice is like nails on a chalkboard, so… eyikes)
Ooof well that's… smaart. Bro I skipped dinner yesterday and breakfast today like the ACTUAL FICKING GENIUS I am.

@ElderGod-kirky group

(yikes. I hate listening to myself sing)

I never eat breakfast during the week, and I've fallen into not eating lunch either because I just don't feel like eating. Only during the week, however.


My dad always asks me what I ate for lunch, and that's the only kind of improvisation I'm bad at: coming up with a random cafeteria food on the spot. So, I always have to ate least get some lunch. Plus, my dad sometimes waks through the cafeteria and just… nope.