forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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Alright, I'm back. Thanks, fam. Lmao sorry I call my own family "fam" to be ironic but now I can't stop saying it so… you're fam now.

@ElderGod-kirky group

lmao, good to know

I just got back from shopping myself. We got ice cream after that, but a storm rolled in just as we got the ice cream. Didn't stop us, though.


Bro I want to get ice cream like any time we go to a fast food place and my parents are like "eMILY ITS DECEMBER" but I am not the type of person who cares. I have a Dairy Queen gift card. So screw the expectations I'M GETTING ICE CREAM.


Dude YES. My mom told me that if I got all A's this tri, she'd buy me a quart of ice cream so now I have mOTIVATION

@ElderGod-kirky group


Do you know how frustrating it is to code a game of Yahtzee on the computer? Just a single line of code THAT I SWEAR I DIDN'T TYPE pissed me off SO MUCH because one of my things wasn't doing anything even though I literally copied and pasted the same exact code for a similar button. Found my mistake and was cursing myself for my stupidity and short fuse when it came to these kinds of things.


I only tried coding once, for my "stem" class in middle school. The teacher had no fucking clue what to do, we had no fucking clue what to do, and yet he sent us off on our merry way to fuck up our grades. Not gonna lie, I hid in the cupboards in that class more than once. The phrase "EMILY GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CLOSET" has more than one meaning.

@ElderGod-kirky group

We have a STEM program in the high school. It's more of an independent program and much harder than normal classes. You're expected to do things on your own with more open-ended assignments. I noped out of that, even though I was selected as a nominee. I was also selected for NHS (National Honors Society), but they mostly deal with fundraising and other out of school activities like helping the elementary Track and Field and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. Don't care for either of those things.


Yeah, that's what our STEM class was supposed to be like, but our teacher was just a science teacher, and the STUPID principal gave him the job because she didn't want to hire another teacher. She also cancelled the Highly-Capable program the year I tested into it, so… yeah, I really didn't like my middle school principal.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Our elementary (We only have an elementary and high school, since our town is small, so middle school is split between the two) school currently has the former guidance counselor as the principal. She wasn't a good counselor, and she is not a good principal.
As for our STEM program, there are a couple of teachers for it. One programming/computer teacher, two math, and I believe our vice principal. Didn't really pay attention. Oh, and our robotics teacher and chem teacher, I believe.


That's… different. It's weird that I live in such a relatively small town, but we have like 2,500 kids coming in every year, so many that they're going to have to build an entire new building this summer. A lot of kids from other cities come here because we have great sports (coughanddramacough) programs.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Our sports suck. It's our band and robotics that basically put our school out there. Our band is AWE*clap*SOME. And I'm not just saying that because my friends are in band. They are literal gods. They've won so many trophies and first place medals/trophies and I'm so proud of them.
lol, I got sucked into the band the one time I went to a homecoming game. I was only supposed to be there for a little bit, but because I was hanging with the band, I was immediately chosen to help move around instruments and clean up at the end of the game. My parents got a little worried, but I reassured them that I was not dead. It was quite fun, and I got a front row seat to watch the band play during the game. I was on the field, outside of the fence separating the bleachers from the field. It was great.


OOOOH that's cool. Actually, the pride and joy of our school is our dance team. They've won SO MANY MEDALS and they go to SO MANY COMPETITIONS and it's cool. It almost makes me wish I had the physical capability to dance. Alas.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I love watching other people dance, but I have the coordination of a newly born fawn. I also don't have the stamina to dance. So, I absolutely refuse to dance. Anxiety is a thing too, so there's another reason I don't dance.

I WILL, however, dance to my favorite songs if I'm 1) Alone 2) In a good mood 3) Listening to a dance-worthy song. Or I'm just in one of those moods that make me seem like I'm high, then I'll dance to anything if I'm alone.


OMG SAME especially the coordination of a newborn fawn like there has never been a bigger mood. I am straight-up infamous in my drama club because it takes me SO. FUCKING. LONG. to not mess up our dances every damn time. But yeah, when I go to movies with my sister and my mom, after everyone leaves the theater my sister and I will go up where the screen is and just mess around and dance to the credits music. It was really fun when we went to The Nutcracker and were attempting ballet lmao.

@ElderGod-kirky group

lmao. I get too self-conscious, even in front of family, so I just don't do it at all. It's also why I'm not in any other extracurricular activities. They usually do things with a lot of people there, so I nope out and stay in my little corner with my nose in my books and my head in the clouds. I will say that I used to be in chorus. I was fine with that because I wasn't noticeable and my sucky voice was masked by everyone else around me. I stopped taking chorus, however, in 8th grade because my new music teacher (we move to the high school starting in 7th grade) pissed me off with her attitude. She straight up said that we can have an opinion on what we want to sing but she won't give two shits about what we want. And her songs were so dumb. I didn't like her because she's a stuck up snob, and I didn't like the songs.

I actually got a detention for skipping class the one time which is bull because of when I was caught


"My nose in my books and my head in the clouds" is like my new favorite phrase. I never really thought about skipping cause I know I would get caught and my dad literally teaches at my school so… it wouldn't end well for me. I was considering joining choir, but my orchestra class was way too good to pass up especially since my GODDAMN orchestra teacher is leaving and I'm fucking pissed at him for leaving us. But theater in its essence is really just a bunch of introverts filling their social quota for the day.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Glad I could provide a new favorite phrase XD

Okay, so here's the story:

I'm usually one of the good, quiet kids that even the "popular kids" like because I'm "nice." Really, I just want to tell them that quiet and nice are two different things. But I digress. One day in Chorus, we weren't doing anything because people had gym that day of the week so we didn't have enough people to rehearse. My "friend" and I–she was a really bad influence that I have since cut ties with–decided to go and work on a project in a different class. Needless to say, we didn't feel like doing said project, so we wondered the halls and hung out at our lockers. 8th period, which is when we had Chorus, is an hour long, so I had time to clean out my locker while we chatted. No teacher paid us any mind. Worked for me. We were there for a good 40 minutes before we got bored and went into the bathroom. NOT EVEN FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES LATER THE FREAKING LIBRARIAN CAUGHT US LOOKING AT OUR PHONES AND TOOK US TO THE OFFICE. REALLY!!?!?!

I'm more mad about that than the actual detention. I deserved it, and I just took it that day since my dad works across the parking lot. The vice principal said he wished we met on better terms but was glad that I was willing to work with him on this as opposed to throwing a fit.

BUT. That's not all.

The girl I skipped with? She got off scot-free, but was pissing and moaning about getting in trouble. Really!? You didn't even have to carry out your punishment, and you're complaining? I'm sorry, but that's just… ugh


OOF, that is super annoying. I have friends like that, who will literally complain about ANYTHING, just give them something that is a minor inconvenience, doesn't even have to be to them, and BAM you've got a whining toddler. Are you not allowed to look at your phones in the bathroom?? Honestly, half the time people go to the bathroom in my school is to look at their phones, and I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for that. Yeah, most of the popular kids in my school know me because I skipped 1st grade and so I've been continuously explaining this for the past 9 years of my life, and so yeah everyone thinks I'm smart but I'm just like… I am a blobfish. There's this lady who will stand in the halls for thE ENTIRE FIVE MINUTES WE GET TO GO TO CLASS and just stand there yelling at the top of her lungs, over and over again, "LET'S GO GUYS! GET TO CLASS! LET'S GO< LET'S GO! LET'S GO GUYS! DON'T BE LATE! LET'S GO, LET'S GO!" and quite honestly that makes me want to skip class just out of spite.

@ElderGod-kirky group

We have three minutes to go to class. It's so annoying because for my entire morning I'm running from one side of the building to the other and back and again and oh look I'm doing it again and what's this? I'm doing it again.


Omg I have a class that is literally THE FARTHEST POSSIBLE DISTANCE FROM MY LAST CLASS like it's literally across 2 buildings, up the stairs, at the actual END OF THE HALL like whyyyy




Yep, apparently. The drawing class draws comics and does that thing where you have the squares that you use to copy a picture, and the art class does a lot of sculpting, painting, 3d printing, clothing design. Yeah… my school is a tad overstaffed.