forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

My mom likes photography as well. It's not her job, but it might as well be with how much stuff she buys for her camera.

And that's gotta suck. Both of my grandparents are just down the road, either left or right.


My mom used to have photography as her job, but then she realised that she didn't really enjoy taking pictures just for money, so now she stalks around backstage during dress rehearsals for my shows and takes awesome play pictures.

We used to live in Spokane, but my dad couldn't find a job anywhere other than where we live now, so we moved literally ON my 3rd birthday. My parents really like to move on my birthday lmao. The first time we moved was on my 1st birthday, and then of course moving across the state on my 3rd, and then we moved on my 8th birthday, and now we're looking to move again this summer. It's not actually intentional, my birthday is just at the end of summer, and yeah it's just kind of become a thing.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wow. Just…wow. I've never moved, but I did change houses once when I was little. We had a small trailer when I was younger, and then my mom got pregnant with my sister so we decided to get a double-wide. Same plot of land, just different house. My sister has only known our current house, which is the double-wide.


Oh wow. Honestly, moving was just really awkward, cause a bunch of people came over to help, which was nice of course, but still awkward, cause most of them were my mom's friends. Also, when we moved the third time, we came back to get a few last things, and our hecking BATHROOM DOORS were gone. Not the super-expensive drill, not the new vacuum cleaner, no. They took our bathroom doors.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Who steals bathroom doors!? Like, that's the least valuable thing to take. Granted, if you wanted to annoy someone with a minor inconvenience, then sure.


Ikr! Also, how did absolutely NO ONE notice someone coming out of a house just casually carrying two hecking DOORS? And they only took the ones from the bathrooms, like I understand none of the logic that went into this plan. I guess they came into the house, seeing that we had moved, and saw nothing they thought was valuable, so they were like well, since I'm here, might as well take their bathroom doors, I've been meaning to do that….

@ElderGod-kirky group

I question humanity sometimes, especially with situations like that. I mean, there had to of been people who saw people (or a person) just casually carrying two doors down the street. And the fact that they didn't do anything about it just boggles my mind. They're as questionable as the thief/thieves.


Yeh, it's just confusing. My mom raised me so that if I see someone drop something, I tell them they dropped it, if I like someone's hair, always tell them, it might make their day, and if I see a freaking THEIF carrying twO BATHROOM DOORS, I call the freaking owners and/or the police! I mean, is it really that difficult to pick up your phone for two minutes to alert someone????

@ElderGod-kirky group

Apparently it is. OR, they were too stunned and dumbfounded to even think about alerting someone. I mean, if I saw someone just randomly carrying two bathroom doors, I'd just stare at them through the window with a wtf look on my face. AND THEN I would call someone.


Yeah, honestly, that's exactly how I would imagine that scene playing out if I had seen it. But it's become one of the most well-known stories in my family. Like, I'll be chilling with my cousins, and one of them will just go, "remember that one time someone stole your doors?" Yes, Sara, I remember that. (I'm the oldest of my cousins, which is great cause I get to be sarcastic and they won't contradict me. My second oldest cousin is just about a year younger than me, though, so we randomly quote memes at each other)

@ElderGod-kirky group

lmao. My cousins and I aren't very close. I question the life decisions of three of them, and most of my other cousins are either younger than me or just very rarely seen that I don't even know who they even are. Family "reunions" usually just end up as separate cliques within the family chatting and waiting for food to be served.


Oof yeah, same. I feel really bad for my cousins, though, because their mom was sent to rehab for 9 months and got kidnapped a while ago (she's back now), and she doesn't really know how to parent even though she has 5 kids, their stepdad doesn't really care about them much, their birth father is a smoker who works almost all the time as a construction worker all over the state, so they have pretty much always lived with my grandparents, and their birth father's girlfriend, who was a really nice lady, also got sent to rehab, and we haven't seen her since. It's really rough for them.
And my aunt's kids, who are almost four, live in their grandma's house with their parents. Who have no jobs. And live off of food stamps. And think that yelling is the best way to fix any problem. Their last Christmas was payed for by Toys for Tots, and yet my aunt still won't let my grandparents help her out with anything.
Okay, that was a lot of information that you probably didn't want to hear, but to bring it back around to what you said, there's a lot of old people, so my cousins and second cousins who are 4-7 years older than me just kinda chill. Now that we're all older, we usually play truth or dare, but all we do is just "i dare you to steal one of grandma's eggs" so… yeah, kinda oof.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That one helluva info dump, but a depressing one.

I feel really bad for your cousins. My one cousin has had some…traumatic…things happen to her. Thankfully she still has my aunt–her mother–so she's at least got a home. Her other siblings are scattered around the foster care system because both their father and mother are in prison–they shared a father. My other cousin lives with her deaf boyfriend and her son. No jobs and he's living off of disability because neither of them is mature enough to actually adult properly. Their son is named Azaxel–or however the fuck you spell it. Azaxel Winter Chaoz. Yup. That's what they named the poor kid. Changed his last name and all. My OTHER cousin, her older sister, has all of her teeth that rotting out and she refuses to have them pulled because she's "too young." Basically a skeleton because she can't/won't eat. Their younger brother failed 8th grade 3 times and plays video games all day and night. I'm ashamed of being related to those three tbh. There's a lot more, but that's the stuff off the top of my head.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Can't do people very well, but I'm trying. I've always defaulted to animals. My style is…dependent on my mood. I can do cartoony or semi-realistic, sometimes anime-ish. Really, it just depends on my mood, what I'm drawing, and how much detail I want to put into it. Looking to get into digital art.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I have a drawing tablet with a pen that hooks up to my computer. I have to look at the screen and guess what my hand is doing and where it's going, as it's not one where I draw directly on the screen. I'm hoping for one of those tablets you can draw right on. So much easier than this guessing game


Ooh, yeah, I think my mom has one of those drawing pads, she just won't let me use it. My friend's art style is so much better than mine, and she uses nothing except her mousepad and I'm just

@ElderGod-kirky group

I HATE mousepad with a burning passion when it comes to drawing. I barely even use one when I'm on the computer. For example: I had my mouse sitting on the stand next to me to use while I'm on my laptop. It sat there so long dust was starting to collect on it.