forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

Wow. Our art class is soo boring. One of our projects was to make a game board…

If you look at my profile and look at the Don't Judge Me I'm Bored item–I was seriously bored–I have a few art projects I've done. If you want to see more I could probably put up an item specifically for art projects


Omg I was looking through Don't Judge Me I'm Bored and - quality. This is the quality content I'm here for lmao.


Oh my stars don't. Sorry, I say that to everything. You stubbed your toe? "Well, don't fucking do that." You got sick? "Why the hell would you do that?" Got a headache? "Well don't." Your cat's being an asshole? "FUCKING. DON'T." My solution to life, the universe, and everything: fucking don't do that. My friends have become concerned for me.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Hey, it wasn't my finest moment. And I'm just a little concerned for you as well, but I suppose I can't judge. My life motto is "Eh, it is what it is." Do I care if it's perfect? Nope. Do I care if it's absolute shit? Sometimes, maybe, but mostly no.


OMG MOOD. Basically, that's what it is for my whole family. We settle, and we settle real hard. So, maybe it's not great, but we're not in immediate peril, so like, we'll deal with it later. But I stand by my motto. For now. Alright, just gotta warn you I'm about to get weird; it's really strange to think how much I've changed, both physically and personality-wise, and honestly, I feel like I'm pretty much exactly how 5-year-old me thought I would be. That's what I think about when I feel sad. Cause 5-year-old me was a special bean, and if I think I can make her proud, it kinda makes things worth it.

Yeah wow that was not where I was meaning to go with this post but that's what happened, so: congratulations, you just received my tip for beating depression. Honestly, I don't know where that came from, but… it came.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That's actually an interesting tip for beating depression. I myself don't struggle with that–I'm a very boring person with only mild anxiety and permanently fucked up vision–but if I did, I would totally consider using that.


I had this period WHEN I WAS ONLY EIGHT where I had such bad depression my parents wanted me to get therapy, but I really don't have things like that anymore. Just terrible fucking anxiety, like every other teenager in the country. I can't even ask store employees if they could check in the back or make a phone call - I literally have broken down into tears cause I just fucking can't. Oh, and astigmatism. I honestly really need to stop reading in the dark and trying to function without my glasses, but I mean, my eyesight's only going to get worse, anyway - why wait?

Just gotta mention, you sound a lot like one of my other friends, who also says she's really boring, but I think anyone and everyone can be considered interesting if you look at it the right way. I mean, depending on how you look at me, I can be an absolutely tedious chick who reads a lot, or an actress who owns the stage. Point of view, my friend.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Lazy eye when I was 5 and still wearing glasses :/

Ah, point of view. You see, I do literally nothing with my life, so I can't really change how I look at myself. When asked to say a fun fact about myself, I usually reply with I like to draw and write. That's it. No other hobbies or interesting "fun facts" about myself. I guess if you ask my friends they might have a different point of view, but I can't see one. Like you: you do theater and whatnot. I don't have anything like that.


(Yeah, my eyes are basically the wrong shape, so I've been wearing glasses since I was 2)
Aw, you'll find something. Don't worry. Just because your hobbies don't seem as active as others, doesn't mean they aren't interesting.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I mean, I collect pillows and blankets and books?

Not even joking, I'm currently surrounded by two pillows and a fuzzy blanket with a sliver of the chair left for me to actually sit in–in around 60-70 degree temp.


Hey, sounds good to me. Pillows, blankets, and books are honestly some of the most useful things to collect - besides money, I suppose. I have so many books, I packed up like 60 books in preparation for if we actually find a house to move into, and I still can't fit the 6 books i JUST BOUGHT TODAY into my bookshelves. I don't understand. It defies logic. The world wants to deny me the pleasure of putting away brand new books.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Damn, the world really must hate you. I don't have the money to have that many books, but I really wished I did. I want one of those bookshelves that spanned an entire wall. Still would probably fill it up in no time, but at least I can brag that I have a shitton of books.


Oof, that sucks. I also want one of those giant bookshelves, always have. But that's what libraries are for right? Unless your library sucks, in which case… no. That's not what libraries are for. They are not supposed to suck. Not gonna lie, if I could live in a library, that would be my ideal.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The Beauty and the Beast library is goals. I don't actually live near a library, and from what I've seen, it doesn't have the kind of books I like. No one actually reads where I live, so it's a wonder how the library got the money to expand. But yeah, my "local" library sucks. I like Barnes and Noble, though. But that's too far away for my parents' liking, and they're not actually readers either.


OH NO. I don't know what I would do if my mom didn't like books. My mom's generally a pretty supportive person, but just not having her understand or have motivation to take me to the library or Barnes and Noble might actually kill me. I physically NEED someone to fangirl about books to.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I fangirl with myself, because I'm an independent woman who don't need nobody for support.

But for real, yeah, I'm pretty much alone in my love for books. I'm just alone in general with, like, 3? best friends. One is questionable because we don't have many opportunities to talk much, but we've been friends forever so…



@ElderGod-kirky group

XD Alright, I guess you're in my sad group of friends!

Hmm, ACOTAR, Six of Crows, Raven Cycle, and anything Percy Jackson are what pop in my head at the moment


Ok yes I love Percy Jackson with a passion. My friend also told me to read Six of Crows, so I'll have to look into that. I really like the Lunar Chronicles, the Fablehaven series, Hunger Games (of course)…. I think that's all the series besides Harry Potter that I really liked.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I've watched Harry Potter, haven't had the opportunity to read them yet. Hunger games I'm not too much a fan of, if only because I'm more fantasy and magic type of person as opposed to dystopian and "realistic." That, or if there's gay birds. Side eyes Six of Crows and the Raven Cycle. Not even joking, both are related to crows/ravens and both have precious gay bois and I love them all so much. I'm convinced ravens/crows represent the gay community and you can't change my mind.


Alright, I support that theory. I have a really good gay book somewhere around here, I'll let you know if I find it. I feel like it's either called Timeworkers, or Clockworkers, I don't remember. Actually, I remember I stopped reading it because I JUST WANTED THE ADORABLE GAY ROMANCE I didn't sign up for heart surgery.