forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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Oh, that's fair, definitely. You and me and my little mafia are going to Italy… or France. Whichever one we go to, they're right next to each other, so we can always just sneak back and forth. Just gotta learn French… or Italian.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Currently taking French, and Italian is similar to Spanish. Either that, or we can just do the "Je ne parle pas francais." or whatever the Italian equivalent to that is.


Yes, it's perfect. Our plan can never fail. Lmao I told my mom and she was like "Emily no, sweetie, no matter how hard you try, you can never make it as a sheep farmer in LA" I SAID ITALY, MOM, ITALY.


Right?! My mom's great, but sometimes I just HNNGH. Although I do sometimes randomly pronounce words in a British accent, so it's possible I did that there, but evEN IN MY BRITISH ACCENT I DON'T SAY ITELAY


Oh I'm sorry my apologies. Whispers Who the fuck says Itelay? Mother, mother dearest, one who birthed me, are you ok?


Literally 90% of what I listen to is showtunes. I also used to love Lindsey Stirling, but I sort of outgrew her.

@ElderGod-kirky group


If you couldn't tell from my pfp, I listen to FFDP and other rock/metal. But I also hop around pop music and the occasional Kpop. I used to be super into Kpop, thanks to a friend that I now loathe, but now it's more the rock/metal that I defer to. Hate country even though I live in the countryside


Oh wow that's cool. I've never really listened to any rock music, cause I'm a preppy little theater kid. OH MY STARS I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC WITH THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS.

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's just so boring and… BLEGH. Plus, nearly my entire family plays it and it just got so irritating. Thankfully my dad got me into his kind of music.

And the thing is, a lot of people expect me to like it because I live in the country. Like… ???? So?


Oh yeah, stereotypes are hella annoying. I go to an 80% Hispanic school, and they all seem to think that all white people like country music and we're all rich. Like honey, my parents are teachers, they don't exactly make the big bucks.
I probably have to go soon, but I was wondering what I should call you? Cause I was calling you Shadow Weaver in my head for some reason, but that's a villain from She-Ra, so yeah, maybe not that exact name.


Sweet, good to know. Ok, now I have a very important question: have you ever heard of or watched Thomas Sanders?


Oh, thank the stars. Sorry, he's just a beautiful human being and yeah thank the stars (I have to go in like 5 minutes apologies in advance).


Welp, I just woke up and I'm already bored. Do I need to get a life? Yes. Am I going to? Pfft, of course not!

@ElderGod-kirky group


I just got back from mowing. My entire back is covered in hives and I was so hot a cold shower literally didn't bother me–and this is coming from a person that showers with Satan's water.


Oh my stars that SUCKS. I'm honestly so glad that I physically don't have the strength to mow the lawn. I get frustrated any time I have to go out and water the lawn, because our summers start in April and are 90 degrees on a nice day, but I'm not allowed to spray myself with the hose water, so I have to take a spray bottle and literally just pause every five minutes to just spritzy spritz spritz and I'm still dry when I go back inside like desert summers suck so much they just bend the laws of physics.


Yeah, most of Washington is pretty chill, especially Seattle and Spokane, but I don't live there, oh no, we could never have chosen a chill place to live. Nope, right in the middle of the freaking state, where it's either too hot or too cold, plus all our family lives in Spokane or Seattle, so we have to drive three hours to see our relatives… the upside is that we have a RIDICULOUS amount of orchards and vineyards; my mom's a photographer so they're kinda her absolute favourite.