forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

I bring it up because I'm going to a thing over the summer where I'll be with a group of people from all over the state. She hopes that I'll find someone there.


Anxiety's a thing, and I'm not even within driving distance from home. I'll just be dorming with my friends for a whole week, my parents, like, 3 hours away.


Ohh cringes in anxious awkwardness
Thankfully I have a mom who's still paranoid about the fact that I have friends of the opposite gender. (shh she doesn't know that I don't even care about gender at this point)


Guy friends are coolio though. This is stereotypical but they're chill and will be brutally honest - very blunt and kinda refreshing sometimes. If you fucked up, they'll tell you. If you're being a dramatic bitch, they'll say it to your face. If you're overthinking something, they'll scream it in your face. Pretty nice.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I need that. My—very limited amount of—girl friends seriously like getting into heated arguments and putting me in the middle. Talk about STRESS. And my 5'9 friend? Yeah, she's pissed me off on more than one occation by spouting some bullshit about me not being helpful or some shit. Like, ??? I help both of your asses on a daily, shut your face.

But all the guys in my school are moronic assholes, so my options are very limited.


Aww sends virtual hug
I hope that friendship drama chills the fuck out someday soon. Honestly my friends and I literally labeled out biggest fights as 'Girl Wars'. After Girl War 6 (yes, there have been 6. we all have this stuff ingrained in our minds like we're history tombs.) though, I think things have died down. By now we know each other well enough to look past this shit.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I don't have enough friends to get into 'Girl Wars,' and I usually just go quiet when I'm pissed off. I don't like confrontation, so I usually try to avoid any sort of drama. If people don't like that I'm not continuing the argument, so be it. I couldn't give two shits. Or even one for that matter.


Yes fam.
(Anywho it's like midnight here and I hafta go. Sleep is annoyingly persistent. Honestly. Buuee!
Don't forget you're amazing, inside and out. And I really respect that whole 'avoid any sort of drama' thing. <3)


Guy friends are coolio though. This is stereotypical but they're chill and will be brutally honest - very blunt and kinda refreshing sometimes. If you fucked up, they'll tell you. If you're being a dramatic bitch, they'll say it to your face. If you're overthinking something, they'll scream it in your face. Pretty nice.

This is so cliche but so, so true. The majority of my friends that I talk to on a regular basis are guys right now (Because all of my other friends had to go get in relationships Glares pointedly) It's so nice because when you say stuff they usually listen and if they're not listening they tell you and depending on the guy you can just rant for hours upon hours and they will still be listening. now to my female buddies they will listen for around 2 hours of me ranting before they stop listening and caring, but My Best guy friend has listened to me rant about the random est things for drum roll please 6 hours. 6 flipping hours of listening to my annoying as all heck voice and stupid life problems. (Of cores now it's summer witch means I haven't talked to any one and I'm isolated and alone in life and I can't text any of my guy friends and all of my other friends who I can text are caught up in said relation ships and don't really have time for me their sad and alone and isolated friend or leach depending on how you look at it) Long story short Guy friends are the best friends.(Cry's into a pillow while pulling blanket tighter around ones self I'm so alone in life)

@ElderGod-kirky group

I shall change the subject to something else, don't know if any of you are a fan of my queen Sarah J. Maas, but it's worth a shot.

First of all, screw Feylin. Feysand all the way. I never liked the blonde ass anyway.

Secondly, I totally ship my baby bat Azriel with the precious little angel Elain. I just don't see a relationship between her and Lucien working.

If you a fan, let's discuss