forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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That's good. Definitely better than I'm doing. I just get bored and my brain's like… static noise welp, enough of this, time to check notebook.

@ElderGod-kirky group


Oo, I have a half day tomorrow since it's the last day of school, and I'm heading over to a cafe to hang out with my friends watch my sister and her friends


That is literally one of the best compliments I've ever gotten. Fine. I won't jump off a bridge. But next year I ha EWEWEW I JUST TOUCHED A VEIN IN MY HAND AND IT LIKE SQUISHED AND I HAD TO INTERRUPT MYSELF BECAUSE HOLY CRAP THAT WAS DISGUSTING ve state testing, so… no promises there.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That's an interesting and entertaining interruption XD

I finished keystones this year (unless I failed my literature…) so I just have to worry about the other tests. Not looking forward to it, but whaddya gonna do? Also, apparently my teacher isn't so dumb to put in our Yahtzee grades because I don't have it in the gradebook, so I have a 99 in computer programming


I finally got my grades up so now the lowest I have is an A- but I'm pretty sure that's about to change since I can't stop procrastinating for shit.


Eyes definitely… depending on the subject. If it was something really important like "friend, you need to stop you're hurting yourself," then no. I wouldn't stop. But like if I had a crush on someone and they were like "ahaha sorry I'm straight" I wouldn't be like WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME WHY DID YOU STOP TALKING TO ME IMMA COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE OF YOU THINK ABOUT THAT.

@ElderGod-kirky group

No, it's more like: "Give me your number so I can bug you all summer." "Ah, no, I hate being bugged."

Next day: "I really need your number so I can text you all summer so you can help me with my books." "No. I don't like being bugged, and I can't help you. Our writing is exact opposites."

Next next day: "Don't ignore your phone over the summer because I'm going to text you the entire time." "I'm going to ignore my phone, that's what I do. And, as I've said, I *clap* don't *clap* like *clap* being *clap* bugged." "Haha, but really, I need your number."


UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I feel you greatly. I swear to the stars above, no one at my school takes me seriously. I know I'm small. I know that I joke and laugh and am happy most of the time. But that doesn't mean it's a joke when I say no about something. I mean SERIOUSLY CAN YOU DON'T.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Everyone at my school leaves me alone because I'm the "nice one." I really want to tell them that nice and quiet are two different words with two different meanings. Just because I'm quiet, doesn't mean I'm not cussing you out and stabbing you to death in my head. And trust me—I'm a writer. My murders can get really creative.


RIGHT? And I'm not even quiet, I just get really uncomfortable around people I don't know all that well and I'm like… yes can you please don't. That'd be great.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I even overheard a conversation, and the "popular girls" (our school is so small, calling them popular is a stretch) said that I'm quiet so they didn't bully me. I'm like ??? Exsqueeze me?


Everyone at my school leaves me alone because I'm the "nice one." I really want to tell them that nice and quiet are two different words with two different meanings. Just because I'm quiet, doesn't mean I'm not cussing you out and stabbing you to death in my head. And trust me—I'm a writer. My murders can get really creative.

^^^^^ That was beautiful
wipes tears