forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

That dude is alright, he hangs around people I hate be he's alright on his own. It just startled me, and he let me go when I tried to get away. Now, this other guy—*cough*Caleb*cough*—I hate him so much. He literally told me to just walk away if I wasn't going to move around during a game of kickball. And he's also yelled at me during volleyball, and I just ignore him because I know I suck ass in volleyball—hand-eye coordination? what's that?—but it still pisses me off.


Ugh, there's this kid in my P.E class who got so hecking invested in this game of dodgeball. I accidentally kicked a ball off the the side, and he threw it back but he just yelled "What the hell are you doing?!" And just, ugh. It's a hecking game. It's a hecking dodgeball game. If there was anything less important than this, I don't know what it would be.


People get so serious about games… it's just gym class. When one applies for college in a few years, are they going to decline one for losing a game in P.E.? No. So there's no reason for someone to yell at every single person on the team and give a childish tantrum for losing a game. It is just a game.

@ElderGod-kirky group


I HATE people that get so worked up over a game. And then we got the actual sports people who do this thing called physical activity on a regular, and they are doing MINIMAL EFFORT!! I call bull! I can see people like me, the nerds that aren't built for this kind of thing, but the football, volleyball, basketball, alldehballs?? Nuh uh. I don't think so. You lot have the capability to do better than a light jog around the plates.


The same way us nerds don't make fun of you for your bad grades, you shouldn't make fun of us for our lack of coordination and talent in sports!


Yes. One day, the repressed victims, us nerds, will lead a rebellion. And we will STRIKE against all those who come our way. We will CONQUER the gyms, DECIMATE the fields, make all those who ever hurt any of us sorry! And some… some will never see the light, and continue to scream at others for not making what would've been a winning shot, goal, or bat. Those who are with me, say AYE!!!!
ahem I'm going insane send help

@ElderGod-kirky group


My birthday party is tomorrow and I'm not reeeaadddyyyy.

ALSO!! Good news! I won't have to do my summer reading because I was bumped down to Comp English (schedule disaster that screwed a lot of people going to Voh-Tech)

@ElderGod-kirky group

I mean, I have a car that is currently being fixed because my dad bought a broken one.

I'm actually quite scared and it's sad, but my track record for breaking things doesn't mix well with a large moving machine going by other large moving machines

@ElderGod-kirky group

Possibly. Never really had the chance to know, though, because I have yet to learn how to drive. Neither of my parents trusts me enough, and, as I said, my car is out of commission at the moment. Fun Fact: We've named my car Blueberry


Blueberry… that's pretty cute actually. I don't know how to drive either, but it sounds freeing to me.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Music and daydreaming is more my kind of freedom, but it's all personal preference. I'm more worried about directions and actually getting to places. I can usually find my way on the way there, but if I'm asked on the fly which way to go or what road to take, I'm lost. I pick out the landscape and certain details that tell me where I am.


So road names and directions aren't really your thing. For me, I think the more relaxing part is about the control. Because you're still a teenager, right, and you're not an adult yet. Your parents and guardians still can limit what you do. But this vehicle has you behind the wheel. If you want it to stop, it'll stop, and so forth.