forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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@ElderGod-kirky group

Thanks! My fingers really hurt now, because that was a shitton of erasing and coloring and writing in cursive. I didn't think that last one through…


Oh noo.
I'm screwed for my English final cause I have Honors English and it's pancaking hard and I honestly have no pancaking clue what the pancake to do for it so… time for plan Italy.
(Yes I am censoring myself with pancakes)

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I love your censoring)

I've had two different official English teachers this year, and one sub that bridged the gap between the different teachers while one left and one arrived. I'm in Honors (we call it Challenge, same same) English 2


Oof. We're reading A Raisin in the Sun, which is great and all, but we have to track for WTO DIFFERENT prompts to do brief writes on. I have NO PANCAKING IDEA what to do for the second one, and apparently, we're supposed to have outside sources to support our claims, but I HAVE NO PANCAKING IDEA WHAT TO DO FOR THAT since we have to write our responses on paper, and the only resources we can use are what we print off. In addition to this, I have to B's, which my parents will kill me for if I don't get them up, and I'M PANCAKING STRESSED AND I WANT TO OVERTHROW THE SCHOOL SYSTEM AND RESTART FROM SCRATCH.

@ElderGod-kirky group

All I can say is best of luck to you, my friend.

I have to do a summer reading and write a 750 word (minimum) reading examination after we read it. Basically, we have to say what we didn't (or did, I think?) like about it.


I know the feeling. Honestly, even though I'm gonna fail my English final, I can't wait for it to be over so I can stop stressing about it and start the creative writing unit I've been waiting for ALL PANCAKING YEAR.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm heading over to Ohio for vaycay for a week–horseback riding, here I come! sorry dad, you can't come–and then I have some time before I have to go to that college business running thing for a week, and who knows what else I'm doing over the summer.


For summer home work for a SINGLE class, I have. Drum roll please. 2 Books to read, with A Major Works Data sheet and DIDLS/SOAPS filled out for each book, approximately 170 Note cards to fill out on Key terms… That's only one class. But on the upside because they're switching teachers for the APUSH Class there isn't a summer assignment for that class and normally that's notes on around 200 pgs. so Over all not bad the only other assignments I have are a 100 question thing for AP. Chem. and two weeks of band camp so not bad.


Hahaha you assume I'm Alive… Laughter quickly transforms into tears and gasps of pain Help


Oh my stars. I came here for moral support while I desperately try to get my shi pancakes together, but it looks like you need more support than me.


Relsey, dearest, are… are you functioning as a human? Heart still pumping blood? Brain telling it to do so?