forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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I had to socially interact with people my age, which was fun because all the theater kids I was hanging out with are brutally honest even about sensitive subjects, which is honestly a breath of fresh air, and since half of theater is gay, I can be super open about my sexuality. However, ugh, people. I'm all peopled out and I want to talk to someone I don't know in person.


Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was desperately trying to do homework, meanwhile my brain kept telling me, "you don't need to do this right now. Let's refresh notebook instead!" And URGH I'm going to fail high school I swear.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I do that during school, so I know how you feel. I'm actually doing that right now, when I should be working on Yahtzee but I don't want to and I'm being a bad student. Go me!


Yay! Go you! There's stuff I'm going to have to do today (my school hasn't started yet), but I don't want to do them, so… yeah, I have no willpower.


Oh, that sucks. Luckily for me, my dad teaches at my school, so I don't have to take the bus to school, but he can't leave early for the life of him, so I'm late a lot.


Eyep, literally me every time we played dodgeball. I led our team to victory once. Now I'm famous in my P.E. class.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm probably known for being relatively good at dodging, because the one time I was the very last person, the entire opposing team was chucking dodgeballs at me but still missing. I eventually just gave up and just let them hit me. One of the guys on my team was following me around, picking up balls and handing me them then entire time. The same guy grabbed me the one time and pushed me around to try and get me to throw something.


Oh sorry my brain's a bit fuzzy today lmao. I hate it when people are jerks just to try to get you to play better in a game. My dad tried to do that when I played soccer in, like, 5th grade, and it ended with me getting hit in the stomach with a soccer ball. So that was fun.