forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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A scene just popped into my head where everyone rode lawnmowers. The 'highway' is now just a huge grassy field, because you can make the roads. The handle of the lawnmower is now the wheel. You sit on the lawnmower, facing the handle (btw lawnmowers work backwards now), and steer.


K, so on our to-do list we have:

  1. Rebel against a good fraction of the human population
  2. Transform all cars into lawnmowers

Honestly that's a pretty good start for a to-do list.


Ehh we'll burn that bridge and take the ashes to a volcano cross that bridge when we meet it


Rare picture of me trying to fit in amongst other people


It's scary how relatable this is

I like the way you think

I'm trying to decide whether I'm proud of the fact or embarrassed that this actually exists. I'm pretty sure I'm proud.

@ElderGod-kirky group

So, this guy that is super annoying and just recently backed off of trying to date me keeps insisting that he needs my and my friends' numbers so he can, and I quote, "bug us all summer." I flat out said no, I hate being bugged, and I literally rarely ever look at my phone when I get notifications.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Thank you! I'm quite proud of myself for not saying 'sure!' like the fake nice person that I am.

*sigh* He seriously didn't back off until I used a fellow Notebook user as my fake bf

@ElderGod-kirky group

Indeed, problem solved. He was just recently rejected by yet another girl. He asked her if she was available and interested, and she said unavailable and not interested. He ran right back to me and has once again tried getting my number.

@ElderGod-kirky group

And the thing is, all I did was be a decent human being, and he takes that as a green light to try and get me. He's literally a creeper that no one likes. I went to a local cafe to hang out with him for a bit, and I was SHAKING, I was so uncomfortable. It originally was supposed to be a movie night thing with a group of people, but as I said, no one likes him. He tried doing it with just me and him, and I was seriously opposed to the idea. That's how we ended up at the cafe.
Anyways, I didn't even do anything to lead him on, and that frustrates me even more.


Ugh he sounds like the kinda guy who needs to get his ego knocked down a few notches- no. Nevermind. Knock his ego off freaking Mount Everest and him too. Whoopsies got a little harsh but seriously.


You know how men are. They think "no" means "yes," and "get lost" means "take me, I'm yours." …Yes, I quoted Meg from Hercules. But it was a good quote, and it fit. I stand by this decision.


I love that quote but I'm honestly so relieved you know the movie and the character cause I was like lowkey worried about it not being understood.