forum I'm Actually Dying of Boredom
Started by @Simon-Says

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omG sorry I just have to rant real quick cause the first guy that asked me out I said yes because he surprised me and I didn't really hear what he said, and I had to break up with him, of course, and because I felt really bad for the guy, I explained to him, "it's because I'm gay," and one of my other friends (who i recently found out also likes me) just bust out and started freaking laughing and i just
Bitch - why.
And when I came out to my whole drama club (kind of accidentally) he kept saying that I was lying and I "just wanted to fit in" and I honestly got so fucking pissed at him like i highkey wanted to slap him because just because you like me doesn't mean you get to decide my sexuality.
Anway, sorry, I just had to rant real quick.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That's rough. I hate people that can't let go of their pride and make other people seem like liars and whatnot just so that they don't have to look like an idiot.


Aw, I wish my cat did that. She just screams really loudly at all unholy hours, as well as any time my mom leaves the house foranyreasonever.

@ElderGod-kirky group


I've voted that it's because I have pillows surrounding me and she likes this chair for some reason. She'll sit on anybody's lap if they're sitting in this particular chair. She only really likes my dad


Ah, that makes sense. I have a loft bed, and my cat used to climb it to sleep there, but now she's too fat and lazy lol.
Did you actually get to skip school? Because lucky if you did.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I woke up at 5 specifically to catch my mom right before she left for work to try and convince her to let me stay. It worked and I'm so glad it did. No gym!!!


Omg lucky! At my school, we only have to have gym for 1 trimester, so I already finished it, but I literally hate my English class so much oh my stars. My little sister got to stay home one time just because "her mom feels her," but I can't ever get my mom to let me stay home ack.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I have gym every school year, on Mondays and Fridays. It's so stupid. Thankfully, starting next year, I'm going to a different school for half the school day, so Gym is pretty much only 20 minutes of stretching and hanging around.


Oh yeah, in the school year after next I get to spend half the day at community college cause I'm gonna do running start and get my AA before I graduate high school it's gonna be lit lmao.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm going to a school that's more for career readiness. The class I'm gonna take is Commercial Art, and I was one of the lucky ones to get it. If I recall the numbers correctly…

  • Over 200 people applied
  • About 90-some applications were accepted for work sessions
  • From the work sessions (we were given a packet with things to draw, I'll elaborate if you want) around 18-ish people were accepted into the actual class


Oh damn, you did get lucky! We have a school like that, too, they call it a tech school, but they have a lot of stuff like cooking, video production, becoming a nurse, things like that. Ours is a lot easier to get into, though, we just have to have good grades and take a test. Also, commercial art is so cool, that's an awesome thing to get into!

@ElderGod-kirky group

Ikr? I love drawing, but I'm mostly self-taught. I'd like to get better at it and seriously improve my skills with this class.
Our school was originally called the Voh-Tech—and that's what everybody calls it still—but now it's the CCCTC. Something-County Career and Technical Center. We have to have good grades as well to be able to get into it. Pretty sure Commercial Art is one of the most competitive classes since people think that drawing is so easy, and they can just goof off and do nothing in that class.


Oh yeah, I hate it when people take classes just because they think it'll be easy, when there are people who actually want to learn the subject; there was a lot of people like that in my orchestra, and none of them knew what they were doing, it was just super annoying.


Welp… nothing's happening… it's weird that I'm on all day but then I go to bed and wake up and there are 8 notifications like WHAT THE WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN and then suddenly I'm behind on the thing I most wanted to see and just… why.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I followed about a third of that, but I think I know what you mean. Like, you go to sleep and suddenly everyone is replying, but when you're actually on literally no one is responding?


Yepp. Honestly I feel like every time I post something it just kinda kills it, like it's going great and then OH SHIT IT'S EMILY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES I mean it's almost certainly not really like that but anxiety causes paranoia and then WELP this happens.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Yeah, I sometimes believe that people don't like rping with me. Like, I'll see them responding to other rps but not mine. Kinda hard to ignore the slight twinge of hurt…


So I've come up with a three-step plan:

  1. Fail out of high school
  2. Stowaway on a boat to Italy
  3. Become a sheep farmer

It's foolproof.


Big mood. I have told so many of my friends that we're just gonna go to Italy and be sheep farmers, it's just kinda engraved in my brain now. Like, if I do end up failing high school, I know what to do.