forum Forum game: Make a wish!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 41 followers

@soupnana group

Granted. You are free to where whatever but it has to always be in two shades of pink that clash terribly.
I wish that I could live in a beautiful tree house in the snowy woods where I would be free of people and school, and I was super rich, and super happy with my three lil doggos, and I was free to sit in my comfy room all day reading books, drawing, watching netflix, and writing. And all favorite book series were finished and that I was the first person to ever read them.

Deleted user

But never be able to read it.
I wish I could find my soulmate.

@soupnana group

Granted but you can remember the worst and most scarring memories in the most detail.
I wish I didn't have to go to Physics, Math or P.E.

@TeamMezzo group

Granted, but all other classes are double periods with your enemies
I wish that I could still fit in this one shirt that's really pretty

@soupnana group

Granted. But you're in Slytherin so everyone hates you for NO GOOD REASON!!!!
I wish I had a niffler.

(Heh, but I hate them back so SUCK ON THAT NON-SLYTHERINS!)
Granted, but of course, it steals all your jewelry and money.
I wish that I my doggos could stay puppies forever but still get smarter.

@soupnana group

Granted, but you still can't do it.
I wish my drawings could come to life and be my best friends with attributes that those characters actually have!