forum Forum game: Make a wish!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 41 followers


So each person takes turns making a wish and the next person has to corrupt it.

Person 1: I wish I had a million dollars.

Person 2: Granted, but it will be in Zimbabwean currency.
I wish a had a sports car.

(And so on…)


You get all the sleep you need, at the sacrifice of your grades because you slept instead of doing homework.

I wish everyone could be as happy as I am when I see a kitten

Deleted user

But everyone on wattpad either has self inserts, cringey plots, Mary Sues, or even worse, bad spelling.
I wish I could draw anything.

Deleted user

But compliments are meaningless from how fake they feel
I wish that I can be a tall person


(compliments are not meaningless when they come from me, I mean everything I say and people need to start accepting it)
Tall, compared to my best friend, who’s basically the size of an ant

I wish to cure cancer

Deleted user

But you're allergic to almost every consumable substance on the planet.
I wish life wasn't so hard

Deleted user

But only on seven people, one in each of the seven continents.
I wish people weren't mean to those who try to express themselves