forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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@Dragoncita group

Not even sure the owner of the thread is interested in the RP anymore
They have not popped in or such. Would least expect them to check on it

Hm, those times I'm glad I lurk in the background and keep to myself…

@Dragoncita group

Mhm, it seems that way
If the owner showed interest again, might be a bit more willing, since it is their RP, and they may have had an idea or a way they would like the RP to go

Deleted user

when you are sick and your mom takes care of you like a tiny child.

@Dragoncita group

She's hiding her head under my arm lol

Funny thing is, a lot of people think goats will eat anything. They can actually be quite picky about what they eat
Reason people think that, is cause unlike us, we have hands to feel with, goats don't, so they use their lips to feel things

Deleted user

Don't be rude! Im sure that is just a stereotype???? (maybe?)

Deleted user

See I was right.

But that is an interesting fun fact about their lips. I had no idea.

@Dragoncita group

Yes, just as I have had a kid rip a chunk of my hair out, it hurt lel

But often as I said, they're pretty picky. They prefer browsing, rough foliage like leaves and green twigs they love to eat

@Dragoncita group

It was most likely 'feeling' your jeans as I mentioned, since that is the way goats feel the world around them
A lot of the kids now, since they are so curious often come up and nimble on my pants