forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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Hello? Anyone home? I'm kinda new to this "adulting" thing. I was wondering if it was smart to apply to McDonald's after I was just fired from my other job despite the fact that there's only a month left before I go off to college and I get a campus job. Do you think they'll even consider hiring me given the fact that I won't be there long and they'll have to spend time training me?

@Becfromthedead group

Oh. Idk. I got let go from my summer job back in June (after two weeks :( ) and I didn’t bother trying to get another because every place I applied to dragged me around and never responded with anything, not even rejection. But if you have other prior work experience, they’re more likely to hire you. It’s really up to you, but it’s possible that no one will hire someone who’s just going to be there for a month.


I think it's always worth applying. I was hired pretty spontaneously for a 1 month job in a factory my first summer out of highschool even though i had no prior work experience simply because they needed to help covering all the people who left on vacation… So yeah. The worst they can do is say no.


I think the other problem is that I'm leaving in a few days to go down to Cape Cod for the Global Leadership Summit, so I don't think it would be smart to apply this week, even. I don't know at this point, I'm still miffed about being fired from my other job. It sucked and I always thought about quitting, but I figured I needed the paycheck. Wasn't paid much (or on time, for that matter), but I still figured I was pretty valuable given the fact that my boss was never there and it was just me and my mother working our asses off for the longest time.

My mother personally thinks I'm out of luck for now, but I'm already applying for a campus job. If not the one I want, I'll even take being a janitor if I get paid!


You're going to the Global Leadership Summit? That's so cool!
And as @The-Althalosian said, you know best what you can and can't manage schedulewise. In any case, I wish you tons of success in whatever you chose to do, and peace in whatever decision you decide to make.


So, good news! I have since been rehired at my old job because my mother was super pissed at my boss. She told her that had she known her boss was going to pull something like this, I would have been working at McDonald's the entire summer and that I still had four weeks left before I went off to college. My boss thought I only had one week left and was already mad that my family and I went on a two-week vacation, DESPITE the fact that we told her months in advance and put it on the company calendar. She said something along the lines of "When you leave (my mother), you take half of the company with you!"

THEN WHY WOULD YOU FIRE THAT HALF OF THE COMPANY THAT WAS ACTUALLY PRODUCTIVE?! Nearly everyone else she's hired has been completely useless or can't work for more than a couple of hours a week! My sister, my mother, and I have been the reason we've managed to fill out orders and empty barrels of product in a timely manner! Hell, I've managed to make a few innovations of my own to try and streamline the process, why on earth would you get rid of us?!

Oh, right. They haven't been here to see what we've done, they fucked off to Florida for a month in hopes of getting their house sold so they can live near their son when he's off at college! Not only did their house NOT sell (it's quite big and expensive), but they had to come back to "check up on the company." While WE were vacationing and taking a much-needed break, THEY were off in the Florida Keys! So there wasn't any work getting done at all!

This has been a long, dumb rant provided by yours truly. I can't wait to go off to college. At least the Global Leadership Summit was pretty cool, though! Can't say Bear Grylls was worth it, though. Wasn't as entertaining as some of the other speakers, but it was nice to hear him speak at an event like this.

@Becfromthedead group

Uh I can try, I guess.
Move-in itself is probably going to be on the hectic side, no matter what you do, but for that just try to consolidate your stuff as much as possible. (Which if you can’t, that’s okay too. I’m a terrible overpacker, it just happens).
As for classes, it’s really not like high school at all. You’re gonna have a lot of free time, and that means you have to manage it properly. You should be very careful to keep track of assignments and when they’re due. While some professors are forgiving, others are not. Classes also require a lot more study time than high school. I was one of those kids in high school who crammed and made A’s, and it’s been a little rough tbh. I’m still figuring things out, because those types of study habits don’t fly in college.
And I suggest you look into a lot of clubs. Pick up flyers and stuff and figure out what speaks to you. It’s a great way to make friends and a good use of time. You should try to join at least one club or organization.
Talk to your professors one-on-one when possible so you can get to know each other. You never know what kind of benefits this could reap. I’ve mostly been told that it’s a good way to find opportunities in your field in the future, and in general it shows dedication.
But honestly, I’d say don’t sweat it too much. College is a pretty good time for the most part, and I’m sure you’ll be fine.


Sweet! When it comes to transportation and such, my school (UMass Dartmouth) has a shuttle service, and I was planning on getting an Uber account for stuff. I also want to eventually see if I can bring a car on campus. Which do you think would be better in the long run?

@Becfromthedead group

That’s hard to say. I already had a car going in so it was an obvious choice in my case, as I’m 2 hours from home in an area that doesn’t have horrible amounts of traffic.
If you can’t bring a car, definitely take advantage of the shuttle service (which I assume is free if the university offers it). However, sometimes shuttle schedules are weird. Like at my school, they run it once a week.