forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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@Becfromthedead group

Ehhh, I'll pass. I'm just happy to get writing advice and play around with my characters with people on this site. I joined for writing and am terrified of confrontation.

@Dragoncita group

I've been apart of drama on another site too many damn times when I was younger. I have grown though, and see no point in it anymore

Internet, anything goes, and shit tends to spread like wildfire
You just learn when and what to avoid
Though being apart of such happenings, I've withdrawn back and keep to myself in my lurking corner

However, I am always willing to talk if someone needs someone to listen to, I am usually always willing to listen and offer advice if asked


ooh how'd you like it??
mine was a lot of fun, even though i was less "work hard play hard" and more "work hard work harder"

@Becfromthedead group

I'm going to be honest, I've had the best social life in college compared to any other stage in my life, and it's been great. I'm trying to switch majors though. I've yet to really enjoy a class, which kind of makes me sad, but maybe the major change will be good for me.


aww that does suck. what was your major, and what are you thinking of switching to? I enjoyed most of my classes, although most prereqs were pretty boring.


Hi! I, too, am an adult (although typing that out makes me feel more like 3 dogs ina trenchcoat trying to pass off as a functional human being but whatever)

@Becfromthedead group

aww that does suck. what was your major, and what are you thinking of switching to? I enjoyed most of my classes, although most prereqs were pretty boring.

Chemistry, but I'm trying to transition to public health. I'm also a pre-med student, but I'm thinking of switching to pre-physician's assistant instead. I didn't hate any of my classes except biology, but that's because I had a bad professor who was actually pretty mean to us. But hey, that's only one bad professor out of all the ones I've had, so I count that as a win.


aww that does suck. what was your major, and what are you thinking of switching to? I enjoyed most of my classes, although most prereqs were pretty boring.

Chemistry, but I'm trying to transition to public health. I'm also a pre-med student, but I'm thinking of switching to pre-physician's assistant instead. I didn't hate any of my classes except biology, but that's because I had a bad professor who was actually pretty mean to us. But hey, that's only one bad professor out of all the ones I've had, so I count that as a win.

ah, public health is cool! i switched from biology premed to microbiology premed and I might do some research in public health.

@Becfromthedead group

Public health research is super cool stuff. A lot of it deals with statistics and demographics, from the research I've seen other students present, and I'm totally here for that.


in one of my classes, a professor was talking about her research in vaccine misinformation and i found it really really interesting. microbiology research is kinda over my head atm since i havent actually taken a microbio class.

@Becfromthedead group

Yes!!! There are some epidemiology requirements in the public health major requirements, and I can't wait to take that. I have to take the public health 101 class before I can do anything else though.