forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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@Becfromthedead group

I'm at college, but I live at home during breaks and over the summer. (And to clarify, it's not just personal misalignment of values and beliefs. She's straight up disrespectful… and not just to me.)

Deleted user

A brutally honest conversation needs to happen. It may not work out for the best, but at least the feelings will be out there for everyone to know and chew over.

@Becfromthedead group

I tried to open up to her a little more about some little things the other night and she got extremely mad and I made it clear she was making me feel bad and I literally had to hang up because she kept hounding me and I was about to break down.
And also every time I say that I'm hurt/offended/otherwise unhappy with something she says, no matter how gently I approach it, she either says that I'm attacking her or complains about how she can't say what she wants to in her own home.
So I haven't had a whole talk with her about it, and for these reasons, I'm afraid to.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's basically what I've been doing. I do know, however, that I have my dad's support, so I can always try to talk and bank on that, and just hope things go okay.

@Becfromthedead group

Nah, they kind of hate each other, but I can count on his understanding at a minimum and things don't work out. Also I think I'm the one who needs to have the conversation, or no one at all.


Put it this way, if she does something with legal or heavy moral ramifications, get the rest of the family on the line (preferably on your dad's side, he seems chill). You should only ever do this if she does something that affects your physical or mental wellbeing (medical treatment, paying for things or denying things w/o your consent, etc.) and tries to pull the Mother Knows Best card.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I was going to finally work up the guts to bring it up over thanksgiving break, but then I had that awful phone call a couple of days ago.
On the one hand, I think texting my mom about it all is a bad idea, but on the other hand, I'm convinced it's the only way she won't talk over me.


Maybe you could write it all out in a letter? That way she can't talk over you and it shows that it was important enough for you to put in the effort of writing things out. Also, it will force you to make a well structured and thought through argument, which will be harder for her to shoot down in the long run. One thing I used to do when writing letters to my parents on stuff is try to see things from their perspective, and then argue the flaws I saw in their perspective specifically. It sort of acknowledges you tried to understand where she is coming from, but at the same time still drives home your points.
Oh, maybe give her the letter in person. That way you can avoid her saying she never received it or something.