forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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@Becfromthedead group

This particular one goes to Walmart. It could run more to different places, but that’s all I’m aware of. Also many of the students at my school are rich kids who have cars or can afford to Uber all the time. Additionally, it’s not a huge city so a shuttle isn’t quite as necessary, especially when everything we need pretty much is on campus, which is compact (you don’t ever have to drive between classes). So running shuttles constantly at a school like mine is pointless.


That's going to take a bit of explaining:

First off, I work at a startup devoted to selling organic cleanliness products like shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, laundry detergent, etc. My supervisor (Mom) was arguing with our boss due to the fact that a set of labels showed up that were incorrect. Mom didn't order these labels, it was the boss's husband and business partner that ordered them. The label company thought it was just a reorder of the same product that was also incorrect, so they did what they were told and sent us the labels. My mother calls our boss and explains the situation, and she immediately blames my mother for the issue. They went arguing back and forth for a few minutes while I and another employee are purposely listening in while they're on speakerphone.

My boss is going OFF on my mother, saying that she screwed everything up and needs to follow "the process." However, there isn't an established process for how things get ordered, as either my mother, my boss, or her husband can place an order with any of our suppliers. Thing is, I mentioned in a previous post how my boss is currently living in Florida. As in, nowhere near the actual operation here in New England. So both of them are arguing, Mom trying to keep a level head while the other employee and I are fuming in the background. Eventually, I hit my breaking point.


Suddenly, our boss turns her ire to me, freaking out that she's been on speaker the whole time and tells me to "get out and never come back." I leave the room and take my sister to a previously-scheduled dentist appointment. The entire time, I'm freaking out over the fact that I may have just cost my mother her job. I get back, and my mom still has her job (thank God), but I am fired. Meanwhile, while I was gone, my mother told my boss that if her work was really that unsatisfactory, she would pack up and find another job.

"Oh no, you shouldn't do that! You're my best worker! I love having you here!"

Something to that effect, at least. We know she's crazy, but we're starting to think she might actually be bipolar.

Deleted user


wtf is water country?? aha

@Dragoncita group

When you just watch the General Threat, and just laugh at all the silly threads going on

So much energy being used for pointless things…but then again I'm more of a chill person who has been apart of drama long ago and now I just don't see any point to it.
Like these threads for 'debates', why give yourself a headache over stupid shit like that? I come on writing and RP sites to get AWAY from that RL shit
But then what the fuck do I know :p


I mean, if people want to debate over stupid shit, that's fine by me as long as they aren't degrading each other over it. Think of it this way, what some view as "pointess" might not be to someone else and vice versa. If two parties agree that what they're doing is pointless (i.e. arguing over binder colors, etc.) then they can go back and forth all they want. It's when pointless things get in the way of progress is when I get annoyed.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As for debates, they are at least entertaining, if not supremely useful both in learning other points of view so as to weigh your own more carefully, or mere mental exercise, which is always useful.

And wow that sentence.

Deleted user

ugh. No matter how many times I type it, I can't take out any of the commas and still convey the same message.

@Becfromthedead group

Hey, does anyone have advice on dealing with a parent who has no respect for your personal decisions and beliefs? My mom still talks down on me and shuts me down whenever I say or do something that doesn't align with what she wants, and I'm 20 years old. Even when I try to back my point up, she talks over me, or still hits me with the "I'm your mother, and I know what's best for you," argument.
Figured I'd ask here rather than in any old chat so I could get advice from people in my own age group.