forum For the Old *18+ Chat*
Started by @Dragoncita group

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Boromir is a….nah actually noble bitch is a fair assessment. But I'm tagging tragic hero onto that, I mean he was such a good man with such a shit life and he just wanted to save the day I just sniffles yeah he was the realest boy . I cri evrytiem.

Truuuuuuue. We cannot deny that Boromir wanted the ring for good. Not necessarily power.

Alright. Got a point.

I feel like you two argue this a lot?

Yes. A lot. It's fun. She's smart and so am I so it's a whole lot of fun. Especially because we disagree on most things. (Except good books and writing. We are in perfect agreement there.)

Are you guys a thing? I'm sensing a thing. It's cute.

Lol no. It would never work out. Plus she has six years on me.

Soooooo the only reason it wouldn't work out is because she's older than you? That's silly.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Boromir is a….nah actually noble bitch is a fair assessment. But I'm tagging tragic hero onto that, I mean he was such a good man with such a shit life and he just wanted to save the day I just sniffles yeah he was the realest boy . I cri evrytiem.

Truuuuuuue. We cannot deny that Boromir wanted the ring for good. Not necessarily power.

Alright. Got a point.

I feel like you two argue this a lot?

Yes. A lot. It's fun. She's smart and so am I so it's a whole lot of fun. Especially because we disagree on most things. (Except good books and writing. We are in perfect agreement there.)

Are you guys a thing? I'm sensing a thing. It's cute.

Lol no. It would never work out. Plus she has six years on me.

Soooooo the only reason it wouldn't work out is because she's older than you? That's silly.

And she's a pagan and I'm a strict Christian and politically believe opposites. Lol.

Deleted user

Hardly!! There's a specific difference.
My sect of Druidism believes in God but that God is neither female nor male. Instead God is the energy around us and or worship is to give our own energies into the great earth through rite and ceremony. We pray, meditate, and seek comfort/absolution for the things we have done wrong.

Honestly- it's not that different from christianity. Just…. spookier and a little more flamboyant/ outrageous.


Hey that's really interesting, I don't mean to overstep but if you don't mind my asking when and why did you decide to practice druidism? I only ask because I'm intrigued with the recent rise of Neopaganism and would love to know how you came about your beliefs

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hardly!! There's a specific difference.
My sect of Druidism believes in God but that God is neither female nor male. Instead God is the energy around us and or worship is to give our own energies into the great earth through rite and ceremony. We pray, meditate, and seek comfort/absolution for the things we have done wrong.

Honestly- it's not that different from christianity. Just…. spookier and a little more flamboyant/ outrageous.

So is your God the force or a person?

Deleted user

Ah well I was raised Catholic but struggled immensely with my belief and connection with God. A lot about the religion didn't make sense to me and I did not have anyone to really talk to about it. My spiritual leaders weren't exactly the most open people and thought that a child asking why we ate jesus and drank his blood every sunday should be shushed. So I kinda drifted back and forth over everything, kinda unsatisfied with my place within the church.
Once I got to college I kinda experimented with religion, joining friends and such to their places of worship to see if one really sung to me you know? But nothing ever made sense. I turned to the more 'pagan' religions because I thought they sounded interesting and thought maybe it would be fun to check them out. I stumbled onto Druidism on accident actually. But it was the first time that I felt at home and surrounded by good energy that I could believe in and trust, so I stuck with it.
I still struggle a lot with belief and what not but it is more homey worshiping in my garden or out in the open desert, or celebrating the change of seasons out under the moonlight and laughing with people that actually care about more than themselves… so I stick with it.

Deleted user

Hardly!! There's a specific difference.
My sect of Druidism believes in God but that God is neither female nor male. Instead God is the energy around us and or worship is to give our own energies into the great earth through rite and ceremony. We pray, meditate, and seek comfort/absolution for the things we have done wrong.

Honestly- it's not that different from christianity. Just…. spookier and a little more flamboyant/ outrageous.

So is your God the force or a person?

A force so to speak. With no face or shape. Everything and nothing.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hardly!! There's a specific difference.
My sect of Druidism believes in God but that God is neither female nor male. Instead God is the energy around us and or worship is to give our own energies into the great earth through rite and ceremony. We pray, meditate, and seek comfort/absolution for the things we have done wrong.

Honestly- it's not that different from christianity. Just…. spookier and a little more flamboyant/ outrageous.

So is your God the force or a person?

A force so to speak. With no face or shape. Everything and nothing.

Does it demand things of you? Is it a karma like spirit? Or the essence of the universe type?

Deleted user

Hardly!! There's a specific difference.
My sect of Druidism believes in God but that God is neither female nor male. Instead God is the energy around us and or worship is to give our own energies into the great earth through rite and ceremony. We pray, meditate, and seek comfort/absolution for the things we have done wrong.

Honestly- it's not that different from christianity. Just…. spookier and a little more flamboyant/ outrageous.

So is your God the force or a person?

A force so to speak. With no face or shape. Everything and nothing.

Does it demand things of you? Is it a karma like spirit? Or the essence of the universe type?

The only demand that is ever asked of us is to be truthful to ourselves and to not turn on our love for anything, including the Great Energy/Balance/God/Goddess/Etc.
It is more the essence of the universe.


Boromir is a….nah actually noble bitch is a fair assessment. But I'm tagging tragic hero onto that, I mean he was such a good man with such a shit life and he just wanted to save the day I just sniffles yeah he was the realest boy . I cri evrytiem.

Truuuuuuue. We cannot deny that Boromir wanted the ring for good. Not necessarily power.

Alright. Got a point.

I feel like you two argue this a lot?

Yes. A lot. It's fun. She's smart and so am I so it's a whole lot of fun. Especially because we disagree on most things. (Except good books and writing. We are in perfect agreement there.)

Are you guys a thing? I'm sensing a thing. It's cute.

Lol no. It would never work out. Plus she has six years on me.

Soooooo the only reason it wouldn't work out is because she's older than you? That's silly.

And she's a pagan and I'm a strict Christian and politically believe opposites. Lol.

Hmmmmm. I've seen worse opposites not nearly be as cute as you two. Alas. It seems I am wrong. Oh well.


interesting topic to come back to. Druid hmm? That's really interesting that you find peace in it. I applaud your honesty in your struggle with belief and still think that God is beside you guiding you through the life you were meant to live, despite it being so different from christian teachings.