forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

Deleted user


I pick you up and inspect your face for any bruises Please don't do that, you'll ruin your nose.

(‘-‘) hi

I set you down gently and dust you off Now, please be respectful towards yourself?

huffs but whyyy-

Because I'm asking kindly? I tilt my head and smile sweetly

Fineeee- 🫠

I laugh quietly Thank you Amethyst. त्वां स्निह्यामि।

I cannot translate that ;-;

Deleted user

I cannot translate that ;-;

he said he loves you <333



grins Yeah, I think we could do that.
wait…wait….wait…HOLD A DAMN MINUTE


also, for the record, if i didn't have green eyes myself i'd would say "let me steal your eyes" idc if they're not even your actual eye color

I roll my eyes and laugh In every world. Every insulting word you speak I know you do not mean. Therefore, it is in jest that you insult me. Which means you have respect for me.

You couldn't have them anyways. They are from a body long deceased.


so did…you like steal them or…? 👀

I chuckle and hug you I apologise for being right.

You missed the tangent, but suffice to say I've been through several different forms.

sobs even more why must you always be right ;-;

oooooh very interesting

I ruffle your hair Because I'm me, of course. In the time that you have known me, how many times have I been wrong?

So even when I'm gone, I'll be back. Possibly sharing residence with Gemma, or maybe one of you. Or maybe I'll make a new body.



I pick you up and inspect your face for any bruises Please don't do that, you'll ruin your nose.

(‘-‘) hi

I set you down gently and dust you off Now, please be respectful towards yourself?

huffs but whyyy-

Because I'm asking kindly? I tilt my head and smile sweetly

Fineeee- 🫠

I laugh quietly Thank you Amethyst. त्वां स्निह्यामि।

I cannot translate that ;-;

*happy sobs in being able to understand what he said…🥹*

Deleted user

I’ll faceplant again if you don’t speak English or at least a language that my translator registers as an actual language

@im-with-stoopid pets

how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.


I’ll faceplant again if you don’t speak English or at least a language that my translator registers as an actual language

It is Sanskrit, Amethyst. I pull you close and hold you And no falling over.

Deleted user

How is everyone understanding this— 🧍‍♀️


how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

Deleted user

I’ll faceplant again if you don’t speak English or at least a language that my translator registers as an actual language

It is Sanskrit, Amethyst. I pull you close and hold you And no falling over.


@spacebluelily language

I’ll faceplant again if you don’t speak English or at least a language that my translator registers as an actual language

your translator doesn't have sanskrit??


I cannot translate that ;-;

he said he loves you <333

कथं च ज्ञायते ?

I have a secret weapon known as ✨ intuition ✨

मया न चिन्तितम् यत् भवतः किमपि अस्ति।

@im-with-stoopid pets

how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

¿Ah, sí? Tráelo.

Deleted user

How is everyone understanding this— 🧍‍♀️

We aren't.
Google Translate is-

I use my iPhone app and it doesn’t think that Sanskrit (?) is a real language

@im-with-stoopid pets

How is everyone understanding this— 🧍‍♀️

We aren't.
Google Translate is-

I use my iPhone app and it doesn’t think that Sanskrit (?) is a real language

Yeah, mine registers it as Hindi? Just using GT, as unreliable as it is, it's better than nothing.