forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(repoasting bc nobody cared the first time I did it ;-;)

(Here is the website: )
I had to deal with a hecler after I finished. This random 7th grader asked me a question(four desquised as one) and I think it was a "fun" q&a
Him: Do you know anything about the homophobia and transphobic beliefs in regigoius texts?
Me: I am not very religious so I do not know a lot about them but I do know some verses are homophobia and some are mistranslated.
H: Do you know any of the verses? Do you have an example?
M: Like I said I'm not very religious so I do not know any of them by heart. I do know one that was mistranslated. IT was originally supposed to say "Man shall not lay with boy as man lays with woman" but the guys translating the bible decided to make it homophobic and say "Man shall not lay with man as man lays with woman." They took the text relating to pedophelia and made it into homophobia.
H: well is says hgjnfinrbghntbiheoinbhbuitn
M: . . . I'm not sure I under stood that question. Can you ask that again?
H: It said boy meaning someone who is male so acully it could be about gay ppl Insert bible thumper, homophobes idiot, mansplaing
M: Inhale A boy is someone who is under the age of consent. A man is someone over the age of consent. It is about pedphelia.
H: bu-
M: Next question.


Yeah, I saw- looks cool, but the link doesn’t work

Ok I fixed it so the link works!!

Deleted user

Anyways, I’m kidnapping cat Visio for virtual snuggles and going to bed. Good night, guys!

Good nitrogen

@im-with-stoopid pets

Absolutely losing it right now.
I keep thinking of that video where it's zooming in on a guy with glasses and he opens his mouth and a trumpet starts playing.

Deleted user


Sorry- had to let my inner demons scream for a sec- hows it goin?

Goin fine ig-

Deleted user


Sorry- had to let my inner demons scream for a sec- hows it goin?

Goin fine ig-

‘Ig’? What’s goin on

Tired and not very fond of my parents rn— I have absolutely no place to be complaining about them tho they’re actually decent and. Uh yeah

@Eli-the-transboi group


Sorry- had to let my inner demons scream for a sec- hows it goin?

Goin fine ig-

‘Ig’? What’s goin on

Tired and not very fond of my parents rn— I have absolutely no place to be complaining about them tho they’re actually decent and. Uh yeah

Oh yeah i get that- (my parent sucks but hey whatcha gonna do-) maybe if they let you, just try to have time to yourself. If they dont let you, you can always try to just ignore them and focus on something else.