forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

@spacebluelily language

grins Yeah, I think we could do that.
wait…wait….wait…HOLD A DAMN MINUTE


also, for the record, if i didn't have green eyes myself i'd would say "let me steal your eyes" idc if they're not even your actual eye color

I roll my eyes and laugh In every world. Every insulting word you speak I know you do not mean. Therefore, it is in jest that you insult me. Which means you have respect for me.

You couldn't have them anyways. They are from a body long deceased.


so did…you like steal them or…? 👀

I chuckle and hug you I apologise for being right.

You missed the tangent, but suffice to say I've been through several different forms.

sobs even more why must you always be right ;-;

oooooh very interesting

I ruffle your hair Because I'm me, of course. In the time that you have known me, how many times have I been wrong?

So even when I'm gone, I'll be back. Possibly sharing residence with Gemma, or maybe one of you. Or maybe I'll make a new body.

um lemme think…..none….?

Whatever you choose, all i know, is that we'll be happy to be with you :)


how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

¿Ah, sí? Tráelo.

लैटिनभाषां, संस्कृतं, आङ्ग्लभाषां, रूसीभाषां वा हङ्गरीभाषां वा वदन्तु। न तु स्पेन्भाषा, कृपया धन्यवादः च।

Deleted user

attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos


grins Yeah, I think we could do that.
wait…wait….wait…HOLD A DAMN MINUTE


also, for the record, if i didn't have green eyes myself i'd would say "let me steal your eyes" idc if they're not even your actual eye color

I roll my eyes and laugh In every world. Every insulting word you speak I know you do not mean. Therefore, it is in jest that you insult me. Which means you have respect for me.

You couldn't have them anyways. They are from a body long deceased.


so did…you like steal them or…? 👀

I chuckle and hug you I apologise for being right.

You missed the tangent, but suffice to say I've been through several different forms.

sobs even more why must you always be right ;-;

oooooh very interesting

I ruffle your hair Because I'm me, of course. In the time that you have known me, how many times have I been wrong?

So even when I'm gone, I'll be back. Possibly sharing residence with Gemma, or maybe one of you. Or maybe I'll make a new body.

um lemme think…..none….?

Whatever you choose, all i know, is that we'll be happy to be with you :)

Exactly. I chuckle

I know you guys will.

@spacebluelily language

How is everyone understanding this— 🧍‍♀️

We aren't.
Google Translate is-

I use my iPhone app and it doesn’t think that Sanskrit (?) is a real language

Yeah, mine registers it as Hindi? Just using GT, as unreliable as it is, it's better than nothing.

mine registers it as sanskrit, to hindi, to nepali xD

@im-with-stoopid pets

how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

¿Ah, sí? Tráelo.

लैटिनभाषां, संस्कृतं, आङ्ग्लभाषां, रूसीभाषां वा हङ्गरीभाषां वा वदन्तु। न तु स्पेन्भाषा, कृपया धन्यवादः च।

Shadow Man, that is four too many. How are you pentalingual.

Deleted user

attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.



how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

¿Ah, sí? Tráelo.

लैटिनभाषां, संस्कृतं, आङ्ग्लभाषां, रूसीभाषां वा हङ्गरीभाषां वा वदन्तु। न तु स्पेन्भाषा, कृपया धन्यवादः च।

Shadow Man, that is four too many. How are you pentalingual.


Deleted user

attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.


Because no.

that’s not an answerrrr 🙃


starts singing Never Gonna Give you up

I snap the Chicken's neck because I know that song and hate it with a burning passion untamed even by threat of death


attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.


Because no.

that’s not an answerrrr 🙃


@im-with-stoopid pets

how many languages does this man know????

Too many.
He has to be contained.

तत् असम्भवम् अवास्तविकम् च।

That's what you think.
I'm going to use a vacuum on you like it's Luigi's Mansion.

तत् द्रष्टुं मम प्रीतिः भविष्यति।

¿Ah, sí? Tráelo.

लैटिनभाषां, संस्कृतं, आङ्ग्लभाषां, रूसीभाषां वा हङ्गरीभाषां वा वदन्तु। न तु स्पेन्भाषा, कृपया धन्यवादः च।

Shadow Man, that is four too many. How are you pentalingual.


Shaking and crying right now.
Fully convinced Shadow Man could take over the world if he felt like it.

Deleted user

attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.


Because no.

that’s not an answerrrr 🙃


did I McStutter

@im-with-stoopid pets

starts singing Never Gonna Give you up

I snap the Chicken's neck because I know that song and hate it with a burning passion untamed even by threat of death

It's cannon. Shadow Man has been Rickrolled at least once.


starts singing Never Gonna Give you up

I snap the Chicken's neck because I know that song and hate it with a burning passion untamed even by threat of death

neck reforms because of immorality

I’m sorries…sly smirk

we were good, we were gold… kind of dream that can’t be told…

Deleted user

starts singing Never Gonna Give you up

I snap the Chicken's neck because I know that song and hate it with a burning passion untamed even by threat of death

It's cannon. Shadow Man has been Rickrolled at least once.

And we all know it’s never happening again


attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.


Because no.

that’s not an answerrrr 🙃


did I McStutter

I don't know, Amethyst. I wasn't paying attention over the sound of me not giving a McFuck. (/j)

Deleted user

attempts to faceplant in I can’t understand half of these convos

I freeze you in time No.


Because no.

that’s not an answerrrr 🙃


did I McStutter

I don't know, Amethyst. I wasn't paying attention over the sound of me not giving a McFuck. (/j)

dramatic gasp as I clutch my chest very dramatically in mock offense. Dramatically