forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

@spacebluelily language

oh we got a new newbie????


Hello, there. Do you have a name you go by online? (asking this cause i legit do not wanna say maglohydracreati everytime)

You can call me maggie, kirbs, or a randomly generated abbreviation/nickname of your choosing.

ah, ok! good to know :D

Deleted user

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

Deleted user

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

what team?

@spacebluelily language

ok but like yes, as pater said, don't be hasty. so uh here are my benefits.

Benefits of Team Chancla

If you die during battle, don't worry! Your family will be heavily compensated.

Medical insurance
Every member of team chancla has free medical insurance

Feeling tired? Take a three-week vacation with your family, all paid! any incidents during your vacation is not our fault and we will not be paying for any hospital bills during that time

Maternity leave
Self explanatory.

Have a child? Worry that you won't be able to enroll them in a school due to your allegiance? Don't worry! Our benevolent sorceress Pandora has created a school for the children of her soldiers. So they'll be able to learn just like any other kid! we do not cover uniform fees, but other supplies like text books, pencils, etc will be most likely given for free

Once again, very much self explantory.

Every member of Team Chancla will gain the power to wield the Chancla. With this, you will be unstoppable and feared around the kingdom.

After you have spent 20 years dead, you have the choice of being reincarnated and starting your life all over again.

But what about auto insurance? Here in team chancla, we are very pro environment. If you decided to use transportation with fossil fuels…well…let's just say our benevolent sorceress Pandora might just destroy you…

also team chancla gives out free food every week + we have shelters people can sleep in

we also have puppies, and if they're not your thing we also have other types of animals (not chickens or crabs tho)

Deleted user

oh we got a new newbie????


Hello, there. Do you have a name you go by online? (asking this cause i legit do not wanna say maglohydracreati everytime)

You can call me maggie, kirbs, or a randomly generated abbreviation/nickname of your choosing.

is hydra/maglo okay?

Deleted user

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

what team?

my (and mosis') team

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

oh we got a new newbie????


Hello, there. Do you have a name you go by online? (asking this cause i legit do not wanna say maglohydracreati everytime)

You can call me maggie, kirbs, or a randomly generated abbreviation/nickname of your choosing.

is hydra/maglo okay?

Yup! Works for me

Deleted user

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

what team?

my (and mosis') team

the team that i already knew existed but do not know the name

wait, what?

Deleted user

oh we got a new newbie????


Hello, there. Do you have a name you go by online? (asking this cause i legit do not wanna say maglohydracreati everytime)

You can call me maggie, kirbs, or a randomly generated abbreviation/nickname of your choosing.

is hydra/maglo okay?

Yup! Works for me


@spacebluelily language

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

what team?

my (and mosis') team

the team that i already knew existed but do not know the name

wait, what?

I was aware that Mosis is making a team of his own since day 1

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

ok but like yes, as pater said, don't be hasty. so uh here are my benefits.

Benefits of Team Chancla

If you die during battle, don't worry! Your family will be heavily compensated.

Medical insurance
Every member of team chancla has free medical insurance

Feeling tired? Take a three-week vacation with your family, all paid! any incidents during your vacation is not our fault and we will not be paying for any hospital bills during that time

Maternity leave
Self explanatory.

Have a child? Worry that you won't be able to enroll them in a school due to your allegiance? Don't worry! Our benevolent sorceress Pandora has created a school for the children of her soldiers. So they'll be able to learn just like any other kid! we do not cover uniform fees, but other supplies like text books, pencils, etc will be most likely given for free

Once again, very much self explantory.

Every member of Team Chancla will gain the power to wield the Chancla. With this, you will be unstoppable and feared around the kingdom.

After you have spent 20 years dead, you have the choice of being reincarnated and starting your life all over again.

But what about auto insurance? Here in team chancla, we are very pro environment. If you decided to use transportation with fossil fuels…well…let's just say our benevolent sorceress Pandora might just destroy you…

also team chancla gives out free food every week + we have shelters people can sleep in

we also have puppies, and if they're not your thing we also have other types of animals (not chickens or crabs tho)

Question: Do you preserve our consciousness so we can make the reincarnation choice after 20 years dead, or do we just say whether or not we would like that to happen prior to our death?

Deleted user

(not me creating an entire team by myself in secret)

what team?

my (and mosis') team

the team that i already knew existed but do not know the name

wait, what?

I was aware that Mosis is making a team of his own since day 1

oh… welp…

@spacebluelily language

Question: Do you preserve our consciousness so we can make the reincarnation choice after 20 years dead, or do we just say whether or not we would like that to happen prior to our death?

Your consciousness is preserved, yes

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Noooo join team cheesecake, that’s my team
We’re all super friendly and plus unlimited free cheesecake
(Plus we’re allied to Chancla and Primus)

That was my gut choice. Is cheesecake the only benefit?

No we are also very friendly and offer immortality. Also Viking battle axe training and becoming a General of the Empire :)
Idk how you feel about math but I hate it so if you don’t like it we don’t force it into schools
We are said to be the only team that gets along with everyone.
(If you are lactose intolerant we offer alternative options for cheesecake.)
(If you decide to join another empire, I will respect your decision and admire your loyalty)
Arrow has a better-written list but she’s offline rn so yeah

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Noooo join team cheesecake, that’s my team
We’re all super friendly and plus unlimited free cheesecake
(Plus we’re allied to Chancla and Primus)

That was my gut choice. Is cheesecake the only benefit?

No we are also very friendly and offer immortality. Also Viking battle axe training and becoming a General of the Empire :)
Idk how you feel about math but I hate it so if you don’t like it we don’t force it into schools
We are said to be the only team that gets along with everyone.
(If you are lactose intolerant we offer alternative options for cheesecake.)
(If you decide to join another empire, I will respect your decision and admire your loyalty)
Arrow has a better-written list but she’s offline rn so yeah

Solid list. I like the bit about cheesecake. Also: 'Empire'? What exactly is the official linking semantic/term for these teams?

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Noooo join team cheesecake, that’s my team
We’re all super friendly and plus unlimited free cheesecake
(Plus we’re allied to Chancla and Primus)

That was my gut choice. Is cheesecake the only benefit?

No we are also very friendly and offer immortality. Also Viking battle axe training and becoming a General of the Empire :)
Idk how you feel about math but I hate it so if you don’t like it we don’t force it into schools
We are said to be the only team that gets along with everyone.
(If you are lactose intolerant we offer alternative options for cheesecake.)
(If you decide to join another empire, I will respect your decision and admire your loyalty)
Arrow has a better-written list but she’s offline rn so yeah

Solid list. I like the bit about cheesecake. Also: 'Empire'? What exactly is the official linking semantic/term for these teams?

(My brain is currently dying from math, could you elaborate cos I have no idea what you mean lol)


Noooo join team cheesecake, that’s my team
We’re all super friendly and plus unlimited free cheesecake
(Plus we’re allied to Chancla and Primus)

That was my gut choice. Is cheesecake the only benefit?

No we are also very friendly and offer immortality. Also Viking battle axe training and becoming a General of the Empire :)
Idk how you feel about math but I hate it so if you don’t like it we don’t force it into schools
We are said to be the only team that gets along with everyone.
(If you are lactose intolerant we offer alternative options for cheesecake.)
(If you decide to join another empire, I will respect your decision and admire your loyalty)
Arrow has a better-written list but she’s offline rn so yeah

We offer immortality too.
We offer infinite knowledge so school is inherently worthless.
We get along good-ish with the others.
(We offer all foods anyways, so your argument is inherently invalid here)

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Noooo join team cheesecake, that’s my team
We’re all super friendly and plus unlimited free cheesecake
(Plus we’re allied to Chancla and Primus)

That was my gut choice. Is cheesecake the only benefit?

No we are also very friendly and offer immortality. Also Viking battle axe training and becoming a General of the Empire :)
Idk how you feel about math but I hate it so if you don’t like it we don’t force it into schools
We are said to be the only team that gets along with everyone.
(If you are lactose intolerant we offer alternative options for cheesecake.)
(If you decide to join another empire, I will respect your decision and admire your loyalty)
Arrow has a better-written list but she’s offline rn so yeah

Solid list. I like the bit about cheesecake. Also: 'Empire'? What exactly is the official linking semantic/term for these teams?

(My brain is currently dying from math, could you elaborate cos I have no idea what you mean lol)

These teams just seem severely disconnected from each other that I'm not entirely sure how they would come into conflict where they would require aggressive campaigning for membership, they're quite dissimilar to each other.